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Implementation of the mass as a variable + Fake and flips (ongoing)

I added the mass as an input variable to have a different selection per mass point value. I added the fake and flip selection in the code based on David's analysis. It is still ongoing as many points in the code, the plot creation and the combine selection need to be changed. I changed the eta selection for jets to under 2.4 for all years and took the PDG values for the nominal mass values of the top quark and W boson. I corrected a bug in the tt1l CR with the jet selection to make sure that one loose and one tight lepton are selected such that dielectronic events pass the tt1l selection. I decreased the number of created histograms and I changed the binning for the variables of interest (ongoing). I changed the NanoAodAnalyzer to create only one output root file even with parallel cuts (might be modified with the full implementation of the flips and fakes in the code).

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