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Modification of the whole structure of the code

I modified the code to run all the masses and the cuts together for every process. The data still needs to be run twice, first to create the trees with launchBatchJob (Counting option = 0) then lauchBatchJobCounting to fill the histograms (Counting option = 1). The MC needs to be run only once with launchBatchJob (Counting option = 0 to save the trees and = 1 to fill the histograms). The Combine option fills the histograms with all the different weights used in Combine. The masses and the cuts are stored in the jobconfiganalysis for each year, and all the regions are created before being selected in the setupCuts_and_Hists function. The fakes and flips are added for all the MC processes except the signal. The JEC uncertainties are still crashing for the moment (out of memory error) and need to be fixed. They are in total 4 channels * 4 regions * 10 mass point values = 160 channels, * 3 = 480 channels for the MC processes (except the signal) considering the flips and the fakes.

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