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## [1.1.0] - 2023-01-16
### Added
- sw: add a cli command
### Removed
- sw: hdl_gen_tool removed, was never finished/ready for use
### Changed
- All reference designs have been moved to a separate repository, this project now
  only contains the WRTD core
- Updated MockTurtle to v4.1.0
- sw: Better python packaging, including wrtd-tool
- sw: Implemented reset argument in wrtd_init()
### Fixed
- fw: rule stats are kept when a rule is moved
- sw: bug for channels with more than one digit (e.g. LC-I11)
- sw: auto-wrap ns timestamp at 1e9
- sw: provide WRTD_ERR_MSG_BUF_SIZE to avoid hard-coding max err message buffer size
- sw: bug in remove_all_rules causing crashes
- sw: rules can no longer be enabled if source/destination id is invalid