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A small correction in the CMake files

Alex Toldaiev requested to merge otoldaie/labRemote:add-yarr into devel

Proposed changes in the commit:

  • new HINTS for libmpsse location in cmake/Findlibmpsse.cmake

    The installation from the source placed the headers and the lib under /usr/local/ -- let's add this location to the hints.

  • renamed FindLibFTDI1.cmake to get rid of warnings from the findPackage

    cmake/FindLibFTDI1.cmake -> cmake/Findlibftdi1.cmake

    CMake would rise warnings that the target name LibFTDI1 is not equal to the library file name. All other CMake modules under cmake/ have small letter names, like cmake/Findlibmpsse.cmake. Let's align ftdi with everything else.

    Renamed Pico the same way.

  • updated the logic in general CMakeLists: it is FTDI1, not just FTDI

Edited by Alex Toldaiev

Merge request reports