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Commit 1be817b8 authored by Nikita Belyaev's avatar Nikita Belyaev
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Athena update

parent f75bff39
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......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
from AthenaMonitoring.DQMonFlags import DQMonFlags
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.BeamFlags import jobproperties
from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
......@@ -20,29 +19,92 @@ if jobproperties.Beam.beamType() == "collisions":
minTrkPtCut = 2.0 * Units.GeV
### at least one silicon detector must be on to require silicon hits
if DetFlags.pixel_on() or DetFlags.SCT_on():
minPixHitCut = 1 if DetFlags.pixel_on() else 0
minSiHitCut = 3
else: # both silicon detectors are off, we cannot require hits
minSiHitCut = 0
minPixHitCut = 0
else: # no track quality cuts for cosmics or single beams
minTrkPtCut = 0
minSiHitCut = 0
minPixHitCut = 0
minSiHitCut = 0
if not ('conddb' in dir()):
IOVDbSvc = Service("IOVDbSvc")
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestCoolDCS
topSequence += IOVDbTestCoolDCS( "IOVDbTestCoolDCS" )
#svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += ["/TRT/DCS/HV/BARREL","/TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPA"]
# set the connection string to the database you want to use
svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection = "COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200"
#if (globalflags.InputFormat() == 'bytestream' and
#globalflags.DataSource() == 'data'):
# if InDetFlags.doExpert():
conddb.addFolder('DCS_OFL',"/TRT/DCS/HV/BARREL <cache>600</cache>",classname='CondAttrListCollection')
conddb.addFolder('DCS_OFL',"/TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPA <cache>600</cache>",classname='CondAttrListCollection')
conddb.addFolder('DCS_OFL',"/TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPC <cache>600</cache>",classname='CondAttrListCollection')
# Dead/Noisy Straw Service
from TRT_ConditionsServices.TRT_ConditionsServicesConf import TRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc
InDetTRTStrawStatusSummarySvc = TRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc(name = "InDetTRTStrawStatusSummarySvc")
svcMgr += InDetTRTStrawStatusSummarySvc
if (InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables()):
print InDetTRTStrawStatusSummarySvc
# Services which only run on raw data
if (globalflags.InputFormat() == 'bytestream' and globalflags.DataSource() == 'data'):
# DCS Conditions Service
if True: #InDetFlags.useTrtDCS():
# Hardware Mapping Service
from TRT_ConditionsServices.TRT_ConditionsServicesConf import TRT_HWMappingSvc
InDetTRT_HWMappingSvc = TRT_HWMappingSvc(name="InDetTRT_HWMappingSvc")
svcMgr += InDetTRT_HWMappingSvc
if (InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables()):
print InDetTRT_HWMappingSvc
from TRT_ConditionsServices.TRT_ConditionsServicesConf import TRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc
InDetTRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc = TRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc(name = "InDetTRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc",
HWMapSvc = InDetTRT_HWMappingSvc,
#OutputLevel = VERBOSE,
EventInfoKey = "ByteStreamEventInfo",
DoIOVChecking = False,
IOVmaxLength = 7*24*60*60,
#FallBackOnCOOLChanName = False,
svcMgr += InDetTRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc
if (InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables()):
print InDetTRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc
# TRT Conditions Summary Service
from TRT_ConditionsServices.TRT_ConditionsServicesConf import TRT_ConditionsSummarySvc
InDetTRTConditionsSummaryService = TRT_ConditionsSummarySvc(name = "InDetTRTConditionsSummaryService",
ServiceList = InDetTRTConditionsServices)
svcMgr += InDetTRTConditionsSummaryService
if (InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables()):
print InDetTRTConditionsSummaryService
# Barrel Monitoring
from TRT_DriftFunctionTool.TRT_DriftFunctionToolConf import TRT_DriftFunctionTool
InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool = TRT_DriftFunctionTool(name = "InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool",
IsMC = (globalflags.DataSource == 'geant4'))
from TRT_Monitoring.TRT_MonitoringConf import TRT_Monitoring_Tool
InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool = TRT_Monitoring_Tool (name = "TRT_Monitoring_Tool",
TRTRawDataObjectName = InDetKeys.TRT_RDOs(),
NumberOfEvents = -1,
TRTTracksObjectName = InDetKeys.UnslimmedTracks(),
DriftFunctionTool = InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool,
TrkSummaryTool = InDetTrackSummaryTool,
Map_Path = "../maps/", # obsolete
LE_TimeWindow_MIN = 0, # can be 0,1,or 2
......@@ -53,7 +115,7 @@ InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool = TRT_Monitoring_Tool (name = "
HL_TimeWindow_MAX = 3, # can be 1,2,or 3 # obsolete
MIN_N_LL_Hits = 10, # obsolete
MIN_TOT_Hits = 2, # obsolete
DoTRT_DCS = InDetFlags.useTrtDCS(),
DoTRT_DCS = True, #InDetFlags.useTrtDCS(),
NoiseSuppressionLevel_30pc = False, # obsolete
NoiseSuppressionMap = False, # obsolete
Debug = False,
......@@ -71,12 +133,12 @@ InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool = TRT_Monitoring_Tool (name = "
doDiagnostic = True, # obsolete
EventBurstCut = eventBurstCut, # default = 200
DoRDOsMon = True,
DoGeoMon = False,
DoGeoMon = True,
DoTracksMon = True,
doExpert = athenaCommonFlags.isOnline(),
doExpert = True, #athenaCommonFlags.isOnline(),
IsCosmics = InDetFlags.doCosmics(),
InDetTRT_DAQ_ConditionsSvc = InDetTRT_DAQ_ConditionsSvc,
doEfficiency = False, # ME: turn off TRT hole search, it fails Tier-0
doEfficiency = True, # ME: turn off TRT hole search, it fails Tier-0
every_xth_track = 25,
whatdatatype = DQMonFlags.monManDataType(),
MinTRTHitCut = 10,
......@@ -86,18 +148,17 @@ InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool = TRT_Monitoring_Tool (name = "
MinTrackP = 0.0 * Units.GeV,
min_pT = minTrkPtCut, # default = 0.5 GeV
min_si_hits = minSiHitCut, # default = 3
min_pixel_hits = minPixHitCut, # default = 1
min_pixel_hits = 1,
min_sct_hits = 0,
min_trt_hits = 10
if jobproperties.Beam.beamType()=='collisions':
from AthenaMonitoring.FilledBunchFilterTool import GetFilledBunchFilterTool
InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool.FilterTools += [GetFilledBunchFilterTool()]
if jobproperties.Beam.beamType()=='collisions' and hasattr(ToolSvc, 'DQFilledBunchFilterTool'):
#ToolSvc += InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool
ToolSvc += InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool
if (InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables()):
printfunc (InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool)
print InDetTRT_Monitoring_Tool
......@@ -117,7 +178,7 @@ InDetTRTMonMan = AthenaMonManager( "TRTMonManager",
topSequence += InDetTRTMonMan
if (InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables()):
printfunc (InDetTRTMonMan)
print InDetTRTMonMan
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