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Commit 22c35328 authored by Nikita Belyaev's avatar Nikita Belyaev
Browse files

Track histograms filling code added

parent f6a4528d
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......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
......@@ -52,6 +53,41 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
#atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
# Control/AthenaMonitoring
# GaudiKernel
# InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent/InDetRawData
# LumiBlock/LumiBlockComps
# Control/AthenaBaseComps
# Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigDecisionInterface
# Control/StoreGate
# Commission/CommissionEvent
# Control/AthContainers
# DetectorDescription/AtlasDetDescr
# DetectorDescription/Identifier
# Event/EventPrimitives
# Event/xAOD/xAODEventInfo
# Event/xAOD/xAODTrigger
# InnerDetector/InDetConditions/InDetConditionsSummaryService
# InnerDetector/InDetConditions/TRT_ConditionsServices
# InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetIdentifier
# InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetReadoutGeometry
# InnerDetector/InDetRecEvent/InDetRIO_OnTrack
# InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/TRT_DriftFunctionTool
# InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/TRT_TrackHoleSearch
# Tools/LWHists
# Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack
# Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary
# Tracking/TrkTools/TrkToolInterfaces #Control/AthenaMonitoring
# Control/AthenaCommon
# Control/AthenaConfiguration
# Control/AthenaKernel
# Control/SGMon/SGAudCore
# Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolUtilities
# Event/EventInfo
# Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigAnalysisInterfaces
# AtlasTest/TestTools)
# External dependencies:
find_package( Eigen )
......@@ -66,14 +102,16 @@ atlas_add_library( TRTMonitoringRun3Lib
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps xAODEventInfo InDetPrepRawData GaudiKernel TRT_ConditionsServicesLib InDetReadoutGeometry InDetRawData TrkTrack TrkToolInterfaces AthenaMonitoringLib CommissionEvent TrkSpacePoint
PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel SGTools SGAudCore AthenaPoolUtilities LumiBlockCompsLib EventInfo LWHists TrkTrackSummary InDetRIO_OnTrack InDetIdentifier TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkParameters TrkMeasurementBase TrkEventUtils TrkSurfaces PathResolver EventPrimitives Identifier AtlasDetDescr AthContainers )
PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel SGTools SGAudCore AthenaPoolUtilities LumiBlockCompsLib EventInfo LWHists TrkTrackSummary InDetRIO_OnTrack InDetIdentifier TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkParameters TrkMeasurementBase TrkEventUtils TrkSurfaces PathResolver xAODTrigger EventPrimitives Identifier AtlasDetDescr AthContainers )
#"WITH TRIGGER LIBRARIES" PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel SGTools SGAudCore AthenaPoolUtilities LumiBlockCompsLib EventInfo LWHists TrkTrackSummary InDetRIO_OnTrack InDetIdentifier TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkParameters TrkMeasurementBase TrkEventUtils TrkSurfaces PathResolver xAODTrigger EventPrimitives Identifier AtlasDetDescr AthContainers )
atlas_add_component( TRTMonitoringRun3
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} TRTMonitoringRun3Lib AthenaMonitoringLib SGAudCore SGTools AthenaPoolUtilities GaudiKernel EventInfo InDetRawData InDetPrepRawData LumiBlockCompsLib CommissionEvent AthContainers AtlasDetDescr Identifier xAODEventInfo EventPrimitives TRT_ConditionsServicesLib InDetReadoutGeometry InDetRIO_OnTrack LWHists TrkTrack TrkTrackSummary TrkToolInterfaces AthenaKernel InDetIdentifier MagFieldInterfaces PathResolver TrkSurfaces TrkEventUtils TrkMeasurementBase TrkParameters TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkSpacePoint)
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} TRTMonitoringRun3Lib AthenaMonitoringLib SGAudCore SGTools AthenaPoolUtilities GaudiKernel EventInfo InDetRawData InDetPrepRawData LumiBlockCompsLib CommissionEvent AthContainers AtlasDetDescr Identifier xAODEventInfo xAODTrigger EventPrimitives TRT_ConditionsServicesLib InDetReadoutGeometry InDetRIO_OnTrack LWHists TrkTrack TrkTrackSummary TrkToolInterfaces AthenaKernel InDetIdentifier MagFieldInterfaces PathResolver TrkSurfaces TrkEventUtils TrkMeasurementBase TrkParameters TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkSpacePoint)
#"WITH TRIGGER LIBRARIES" LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} TRTMonitoringRun3Lib AthenaMonitoringLib SGAudCore SGTools AthenaPoolUtilities GaudiKernel EventInfo InDetRawData InDetPrepRawData LumiBlockCompsLib CommissionEvent AthContainers AtlasDetDescr Identifier xAODEventInfo xAODTrigger EventPrimitives TRT_ConditionsServicesLib InDetReadoutGeometry InDetRIO_OnTrack LWHists TrkTrack TrkTrackSummary TrkToolInterfaces AthenaKernel InDetIdentifier MagFieldInterfaces PathResolver TrkSurfaces TrkEventUtils TrkMeasurementBase TrkParameters TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkSpacePoint)
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
......@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
#include <set>
namespace Trk {
class ITrackHoleSearchTool;
class Track;
class TrackStateOnSurface;
class ITrackSummaryTool;
// class ITrackHoleSearchTool;
class Track;
class TrackStateOnSurface;
// class ITrackSummaryTool;
namespace InDetDD {
......@@ -60,26 +60,15 @@ class ITRT_ConditionsSvc;
class ITRT_DAQ_ConditionsSvc;
class ITRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc;
class ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc;
class ITRT_DriftFunctionTool;
//class ITRT_DriftFunctionTool;
class TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool : public AthMonitorAlgorithm {
TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
virtual ~TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool();
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
virtual StatusCode fillTestTRTTrackHistograms( const TrackCollection& trackCollection) const;
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) const override;
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) const override;
static const int s_numberOfBarrelStacks;
static const int s_numberOfEndCapStacks;
static const int s_Straw_max[2];
static const int s_iStack_max[2];
static const int s_iChip_max[2];
static const int s_numberOfStacks[2];
static const int s_moduleNum[2];
int m_lastLumiBlock;
int m_evtLumiBlock;
int m_good_bcid;
......@@ -93,14 +82,310 @@ private:
bool m_passEventBurst;
bool m_ArgonXenonSplitter;
enum GasType{ Xe = 0, Ar = 1, Kr = 2 };
const AtlasDetectorID * m_idHelper;
// StatusCode bookTRTRDOs(bool isNewLumiBlock, bool isNewRun);
// StatusCode bookTRTTracks(bool isNewLumiBlock, bool isNewRun);
// StatusCode bookTRTShiftTracks(bool isNewLumiBlock, bool isNewRun);
// StatusCode bookTRTEfficiency(bool isNewLumiBlock, bool isNewRun);
// StatusCode checkEventBurst(const TRT_RDO_Container& rdoContainer);
// StatusCode fillTRTRDOs(const TRT_RDO_Container& rdoContainer,
// const xAOD::EventInfo& eventInfo,
// const InDetTimeCollection* trtBCIDCollection);
// // ComTime might be missing from file, have to use const pointer
StatusCode fillTRTTracks(const TrackCollection& trackCollection,
const xAOD::TrigDecision* trigDecision,
const ComTime* comTimeObject) const;
// StatusCode fillTRTEfficiency(const TrackCollection& combTrackCollection);
// StatusCode fillTRTHighThreshold(const TrackCollection& trackCollection,
// const xAOD::EventInfo& eventInfo);
// StatusCode checkTRTReadoutIntegrity(const xAOD::EventInfo& eventInfo);
int strawLayerNumber(int strawLayerNumber, int LayerNumber) const;
// Returns the straw number (0-1641) given the layerNumber, strawlayerNumber, and strawNumber, all gotten from Athena IDHelper
int strawNumber(int strawNumber, int strawlayerNumber, int LayerNumber) const;
// Returns Barrel Board Number
int chipToBoard(int chip) const;
// Returns EndCap Board Number
int chipToBoard_EndCap(int chip) const;
// Returns Degrees, converted from radians (Athena Standard units)
float radToDegrees(float radValue) const;
int strawNumber_reverse (int inp_strawnumber, int* strawNumber, int* strawlayerNumber, int* LayerNumber) const;
int strawLayerNumber_reverse(int strawLayerNumInp,int* strawLayerNumber, int* LayerNumber) const;
int strawNumberEndCap(int strawNumber, int strawLayerNumber, int LayerNumber, int phi_stack, int side) const;
static const int s_numberOfBarrelStacks;
static const int s_numberOfEndCapStacks;
static const int s_Straw_max[2];
static const int s_iStack_max[2];
static const int s_iChip_max[2];
static const int s_numberOfStacks[2];
static const int s_moduleNum[2];
// Services
ServiceHandle<IToolSvc> p_toolSvc;
ToolHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool> m_sumTool;
ServiceHandle<ITRT_DAQ_ConditionsSvc> m_DAQSvc;
ServiceHandle<ITRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc> m_BSSvc;
ServiceHandle<ITRT_ConditionsSvc> m_condSvc_BS;
ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc> m_TRTStrawNeighbourSvc;
ToolHandle<ITRT_CalDbTool> m_TRTCalDbTool;
// Data handles
SG::ReadHandleKey<TRT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainerKey{this, "TRTRawDataObjectName", "TRT_RDOs", "Name of TRT RDOs container"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_trackCollectionKey{this, "TRTTracksObjectName", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container"};
// NOTE: this property is not used anywhere, is it ok to change its name?
SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_combTrackCollectionKey{this, "track_collection_hole_finder", "CombinedInDetTracks", "Name of tracks container used for hole finder"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_xAODEventInfoKey{this, "xAODEventInfo", "EventInfo", "Name of EventInfo object"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<InDetTimeCollection> m_TRT_BCIDCollectionKey{this, "TRTBCIDCollectionName", "TRT_BCID", "Name of TRT BCID collection"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<ComTime> m_comTimeObjectKey{this, "ComTimeObjectName", "TRT_Phase", "Name of ComTime object"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::TrigDecision> m_trigDecisionKey{this, "TrigDecisionObjectName", "xTrigDecision", "Name of trigger decision object"};
// Tools
//ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackSummaryTool> m_TrackSummaryTool{this, "TrkSummaryTool", "Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool", "Track summary tool name"};
ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackSummaryTool> m_TrackSummaryTool{this, "TrackSummaryTool", "InDetTrackSummaryTool", "Track summary tool name"};
ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackHoleSearchTool> m_trt_hole_finder{this, "trt_hole_search", "TRTTrackHoleSearchTool", "Track hole search tool name"};
// ToolHandle<ILuminosityTool> m_lumiTool{this, "LuminosityTool", "LuminosityTool", "Luminosity tool name"};
ToolHandle<ITRT_DriftFunctionTool> m_drifttool; // keep this public for now
const TRT_ID* m_pTRTHelper;
const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager *m_mgr;
std::string m_geo_summary_provider;//obsolete
std::string m_mapPath;
int m_rbins;
float m_rmin;
float m_rmax;
float m_tbins;
float m_tmin;
float m_tmax;
float m_fitmin;
float m_fitmax;
// /** Leading Edge in time Window: Straws.
// * Any hit where the leading edge (driftTimeBin()) is less than 24.
// * In Time window means ((driftTimeBin<24) && !lastBinHigh && !firstBinHigh)
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitWMapS[2][64];
// /** TE in Time Window: Straws.
// * If hit trailing edge is in time window.
// * In Time window means ((trailingEdge<23)&& !lastBinHigh && !firstBinHigh)
// * m_hHitTrWMapS[m_phi_module]->Fill(m_strawNumber, ((m_trailingEdge+1)*3.125));
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTrWMapS[2][64];
// /** Mean TE: Straws.
// * Average of Trailing Edge bin where the trailing edge (trailingEdge()) is less than 23.
// * This an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTrMapS[2][64];
// /** Any LL bit on: Straws
// * if any low threshold bit was set.
// * if leading edge is > 0, or if trailing edge < 23, or if first bin is high, or if last bin is high
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAMapS[2][64];
// /** LL in time window: Straws
// * Any low level hit in time window by straw.
// * ((m_driftTimeBin>0 || m_trailingEdge<23)&& !m_firstBinHigh && !m_lastBinHigh)
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAWMapS[2][64];
// /** HL/LL: Straws
// * The ratio of High Level hits to Low Level hits per straw.
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHtoLMapS[2][64]; // not filled
// /** Mean ToT (ns): Straws.
// * Average Time over Threshold (ToT) in nano seconds per straw.
// * m_hHitToTMapS[m_phi_module]->Fill(m_strawNumber, m_timeOverThreshold);
// * m_timeOverThreshold = (p_lolum)->timeOverThreshold();
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTMapS[2][64];
// /** Mean ToT (ns) for straws with ToT > LongToTCut: Straws.
// * Average Time over Threshold (ToT) in nano seconds per straw for straws with ToT > LongToTCut.
// * m_hHitToTLongMapS[m_phi_module]->Fill(m_strawNumber, m_timeOverThreshold);
// * m_timeOverThreshold = (p_lolum)->timeOverThreshold();
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTLongMapS[2][64];
// /** Mean Trailing Edge (ns) for straws with ToT > LongToTCut: Straws.
// * Average Trailing Edge (Tr) in nano seconds per straw for straws with ToT > LongToTCut.
// * m_hHitToTLongTrMapS[m_phi_module]->Fill(m_strawNumber, m_trailingEdge);
// * m_trailingEdge = (p_lolum)->trailingEgde();
// * This is an RDO level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTLongTrMapS[2][64];
// /** High Level: Straws
// * If a hit has any of the high threshold time bins up.
// * m_hHitHMapS[m_phi_module]->Fill(m_strawNumber);
// * This is an RDO level histogram
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHMapS[2][64];
// /** HL in time window: Straws
// * If a hit has any of the high threshold time bins up, and is in the time window. ((m_driftTimeBin<24) && !m_firstBinHight && !m_lastBinHight)
// * This is an RDO level histogram
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHWMapS[2][64];
// /** LE in time window on track: Straws.
// * Leading Edge (LE) is within first 23 time bins of read out from a hit associated with a track.
// * This is track level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitWonTMapS[2][64];
// /** Mean TE on track: Straws
// * Average Trailing Edge(TE) from a hit associated with a track.
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTronTMapS[2][64];
// /** Any LL bit on track: Straws
// * Any low level bit is set from hit associated with a track.
// * This is a track level hit
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAonTMapS[2][64];
// /** Any LL bit in time window on track: Straws
// * Any low level (LL) bit set and is in time window from hits associated with tracks
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAWonTMapS[2][64];
// /** Any HL hit on track: Straws
// * Any straw with a High Threshold (HL) hit associated with a track.
// * This is a track level histogram
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHWonTMapS[2][64];
// //
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHonTMapS[2][64];
// /** HL in time window on track: Straws
// * Straws with a High Threshold hit associated with a track and the hit is in the time window.
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHtoLonTMapS[2][64]; //not filled
// //
// TH1F_LW* m_hHtoLWonTMapS[2][64]; //not filled
// /** Mean ToT (ns) on Track: Straws
// * Average Time over Threshold (ToT) from a straw hit associated with a track.
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTonTMapS[2][64];
// /** Mean TE on track (with Event Phase correction): Straws.
// * Average trailing edge(TE) on track after correcting for event phase from a hit associated with a track.
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTronTwEPCMapS[2][64];
// /** Valid Raw Drift Time on Track.
// * Staws with hits that have valid drift times and are associated with a track.
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hValidRawDriftTimeonTrk[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hValidRawDriftTimeonTrkC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitWMapC[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTrMapC[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTrWMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAWMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHtoLMapC[2][64]; // not filled
// TH2F_LW* m_hHtoBCMapC[2][64];
// TH2F_LW* m_hHtoBCMapB[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHWMapC[2][64];
// /** LE in time window on track: Chips.
// * Leading Edge (LE) from a hit associated with a track is within first 23 time bins.
// * Plotted as a function of DTMROC.
// * This is a track level histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitWonTMapC[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTronTMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAonTMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitAWonTMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHonTMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHitHWonTMapC[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hHtoLonTMapC[2][64]; // not filled
// TH1F_LW* m_hHtoLWonTMapC[2][64]; //
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTonTMapC[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitTronTwEPCMapC[2][64];
// TProfile_LW* m_hHitToTrkDistanceMapS_E[64];
// /** Avg. Occupancy: Modules (Side A&C)
// * Average Occupancy per Phi Module on Side A(&C).
// * This is an RDO level Histogram.
// */
// TProfile_LW* m_hAvgLLOccMod_side[2][2];
// TProfile_LW* m_hAvgHLOccMod_side[2][2];
// TProfile_LW* m_hBCIDvsOcc[2];
// /** Avg. Occupancy: Modules (Side A and C)
// * Average Occupancy per Phi Module on Side A and C.
// * This is an RDO level Histogram.
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_hChipOcc[2][64];
// TH1F_LW* m_hStrawOcc[2][64];
// /** Anatoli's "Scatter histograms" **
// ** Monitor quantities as a function of lumi block. Fill per every stack
// */
// TH2F_LW* m_hHitsOnTrack_Scatter[2];
// TH2F_LW* m_hLLOcc_Scatter[2];
// TH2F_LW* m_hHightoLowRatioOnTrack_Scatter[2];
// TH1F_LW* m_hOccAll;
// //Vector for normalizing probabilities of hHitWmap histograms (Leading Edge in Time Window probability per straw number)
// std::vector<float> m_scale_hHitWMap_B;
// std::vector<float> m_scale_hHitWMap_B_Ar;
// /* Helpers for the scatter histograms - 32 stacks (do same for both side for now) */
float m_LLOcc[2][64]; // easy to keep occupancy separately for sides A&C, so let's do that
float m_HLOcc[2][64]; // easy to keep occupancy separately for sides A&C, so let's do that
// /**Initialize Aging plots**
// **HT, All, Barrel, EC, In/A, Out/C, etc...
// */
// TH1F_LW* m_trackz_All[5][2];//({L1 Long, L2, L3, L1 short Pos, L2 Short Neg},{A,C})
// TH1F_LW* m_trackz_HT[5][2];
// TH1F_LW* m_trackr_All[4][2]; // ({In_A,In_B,Out_A,Out_B},{A,C})
// TH1F_LW* m_trackr_HT[4][2];
// TH1F_LW* m_IntLum;
// TH1F_LW* m_LBvsLum;
// TH1F_LW* m_LBvsTime;
float m_HTfraconTrack_B[32];
float m_LonTrack_B[32];
int m_nTrack_B[32];
int m_nTrackwithHL_B[32];//obsolete
float m_HTfraconTrack_E[64];
float m_LonTrack_E[64];
int m_nTrack_E[64];
......@@ -192,7 +477,12 @@ private:
int m_nHitsperLB_E[2];
int m_nHLHitsperLB_E[2];
ToolHandle<Trk::IPropagator> m_propagatorTool;
Trk::IPropagator *m_propagator;
ToolHandle<Trk::IExtrapolator> m_extrapolatorTool;
Trk::IExtrapolator *m_extrapolator;
*/ //obsolete
float m_maxDistToStraw;
float m_DistToStraw;
bool m_trt_only_trks;
......@@ -206,9 +496,13 @@ private:
bool m_isCosmics;
int m_minTRThits;
float m_minP;
int m_flagforscale;
///// Additional stuff for efficiency measurements, online only for now
// void scale_LWHist(LWHist1D* hist, float scale);
// void scale_LWHistWithScaleVector(LWHist1D* hist, const std::vector<float>& scale);
// int initScaleVectors();
// int m_flagforscale;
// void divide_LWHist(TH1F_LW* result, TH1F_LW* a, TH1F_LW* b);
// ///// Additional stuff for efficiency measurements, online only for now
std::string m_track_collection_hole_finder;
float m_max_abs_d0;
float m_max_abs_z0;
......@@ -229,30 +523,77 @@ private:
int m_every_xth_track;
std::string m_datatype;
//std::string m_mongroupshift1d;
char *m_mongroupshift1d;
//std::vector<char> m_mongroupshift1d;
std::string m_mongroupshift2d;
std::string m_mongroupother2d;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiency_eta;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiency_phi;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiency_pt;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiency_z0;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyBarrel_locR;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyBarrel_locR_Ar;
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyEndCap_locR[2];
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyEndCap_locR_Ar[2];
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyMap[2]; // 0-barrel, 1-endcap
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyS[2][64]; // 0-barrel, 1-endcap
// TProfile_LW* m_hefficiencyC[2][64]; // 0-barrel, 1-endcap
// TH1F_LW* m_hefficiency[2][2];
// TH1F_LW* m_hefficiencyIntegral[2][2];
// /////////
// //inline functions
// ////////
// //it is taking lots of time to compile ?
//Deciphers status HT to GasType Enumerator
inline GasType Straw_Gastype(int stat) const {
// getStatusHT returns enum {Undefined, Dead, Good, Xenon, Argon, Krypton}.
// Our representation of 'GasType' is 0:Xenon, 1:Argon, 2:Krypton
GasType Gas = Xe; // Xenon is default
if (m_ArgonXenonSplitter) {
// int stat=m_sumSvc->getStatusHT(TRT_Identifier);
if ( stat==2 || stat==3 ) { Gas = Xe; } // Xe
else if ( stat==1 || stat==4 ) { Gas = Ar; } // Ar
else if ( stat==5 ) { Gas = Kr; } // Kr
else if ( stat==6 ) { Gas = Xe; } // emulate Ar (so treat as Xe here)
else if ( stat==7 ) { Gas = Xe; } // emulate Kr (so treat as Xe here)
else { ATH_MSG_FATAL ("getStatusHT = " << stat << ", must be 'Good(2)||Xenon(3)' or 'Dead(1)||Argon(4)' or 'Krypton(5)!' or 6 or 7 for emulated types!");
throw std::exception();
return Gas;
//Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doRandom {this,"RandomHist",false}; //< Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector?
//int strawLayerNumber(int strawLayerNumber, int LayerNumber) const;
//int strawNumber(int strawNumber, int strawlayerNumber, int LayerNumber) const;
//int strawNumberEndCap(int strawNumber, int strawLayerNumber, int LayerNumber, int phi_stack, int side) const;
//float radToDegrees(float radValue) const;
//// Services
//ToolHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool> m_sumTool;
//const TRT_ID *m_pTRTHelper;
//const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager* m_mgr;
//// Data handles
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TRT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainerKey {this, "TRTRawDataObjectName", "TRT_RDOs", "Name of TRT RDOs container"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_trackCollectionKey {this, "TRTTracksObjectName", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_combTrackCollectionKey{this, "track_collection_hole_finder", "CombinedInDetTracks", "Name of tracks container used for hole finder"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_xAODEventInfoKey {this, "xAODEventInfo", "EventInfo", "Name of EventInfo object"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<InDetTimeCollection> m_TRT_BCIDCollectionKey {this, "TRTBCIDCollectionName", "TRT_BCID", "Name of TRT BCID collection"};
// Tools
//ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackSummaryTool> m_TrackSummaryTool{this, "TrkSummaryTool", "Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool", "Track summary tool name"};
const AtlasDetectorID* m_idHelper;
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doRandom {this,"RandomHist",false}; //< Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector?
int strawLayerNumber(int strawLayerNumber, int LayerNumber) const;
int strawNumber(int strawNumber, int strawlayerNumber, int LayerNumber) const;
int strawNumberEndCap(int strawNumber, int strawLayerNumber, int LayerNumber, int phi_stack, int side) const;
float radToDegrees(float radValue) const;
// Services
ToolHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool> m_sumTool;
const TRT_ID *m_pTRTHelper;
const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager* m_mgr;
// Data handles
SG::ReadHandleKey<TRT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainerKey {this, "TRTRawDataObjectName", "TRT_RDOs", "Name of TRT RDOs container"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_trackCollectionKey {this, "TRTTracksObjectName", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_combTrackCollectionKey{this, "track_collection_hole_finder", "CombinedInDetTracks", "Name of tracks container used for hole finder"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_xAODEventInfoKey {this, "xAODEventInfo", "EventInfo", "Name of EventInfo object"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<InDetTimeCollection> m_TRT_BCIDCollectionKey {this, "TRTBCIDCollectionName", "TRT_BCID", "Name of TRT BCID collection"};
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