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Commit 43c47998 authored by Nikita Belyaev's avatar Nikita Belyaev
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......@@ -5,14 +5,16 @@
@author N. Belyaev
@date 20.09.2019
@brief MT-compatible TRT Monitoring Tool for Run III based on the AthenaMonitoring package
@brief MT-compatible TRT Monitoring Tool for Run III based on the
AthenaMonitoring package
def TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolConfig(inputFlags):
'''Function to configures some algorithms in the monitoring system.'''
### STEP 1 ###
# Define one top-level monitoring algorithm. The new configuration
# === STEP 1 === #
# Define one top-level monitoring algorithm. The new configuration
# framework uses a component accumulator.
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
result = ComponentAccumulator()
......@@ -20,28 +22,27 @@ def TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolConfig(inputFlags):
# The following class will make a sequence, configure algorithms, and link
# them to GenericMonitoringTools
from AthenaMonitoring import AthMonitorCfgHelper
helper = AthMonitorCfgHelper(inputFlags,'ExampleAthMonitorCfg')
helper = AthMonitorCfgHelper(inputFlags, 'ExampleAthMonitorCfg')
### STEP 2 ###
# Adding an algorithm to the helper. Here, we will use the example
# algorithm in the AthenaMonitoring package. Just pass the type to the
# helper. Then, the helper will instantiate an instance and set up the
# base class configuration following the inputFlags. The returned object
# === STEP 2 === #
# Adding an algorithm to the helper. Here, we will use the example
# algorithm in the AthenaMonitoring package. Just pass the type to the
# helper. Then, the helper will instantiate an instance and set up the
# base class configuration following the inputFlags. The returned object
# is the algorithm.
from TRTMonitoringRun3.TRTMonitoringRun3Conf import TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool
algTRTMonitoringRun3 = helper.addAlgorithm(TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool,'AlgTRTMonitoringRun3')
algTRTMonitoringRun3 = helper.addAlgorithm(TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool,
# You can actually make multiple instances of the same algorithm and give
# You can actually make multiple instances of the same algorithm and give
# them different configurations
# # If for some really obscure reason you need to instantiate an algorithm
# # yourself, the AddAlgorithm method will still configure the base
# # yourself, the AddAlgorithm method will still configure the base
# # properties and add the algorithm to the monitoring sequence.
# helper.AddAlgorithm(myExistingAlg)
### STEP 3 ###
# === STEP 3 === #
# Edit properties of a algorithm
# some generic property
# AlgTRTMonitoringRun3.RandomHist = True
......@@ -50,13 +51,12 @@ def TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolConfig(inputFlags):
from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMConfig import InDetGeometryCfg
### STEP 4 ###
# === STEP 4 === #
# Add some tools. N.B. Do not use your own trigger decion tool. Use the
# standard one that is included with AthMonitorAlgorithm.
# # First, add a tool that's set up by a different configuration function.
# # In this case, CaloNoiseToolCfg returns its own component accumulator,
# # First, add a tool that's set up by a different configuration function.
# # In this case, CaloNoiseToolCfg returns its own component accumulator,
# # which must be merged with the one from this function.
# from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolConfig import CaloNoiseToolCfg
# caloNoiseAcc, caloNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolCfg(inputFlags)
......@@ -68,15 +68,16 @@ def TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolConfig(inputFlags):
# from MyDomainPackage.MyDomainPackageConf import MyDomainTool
# AlgTRTMonitoringRun3.MyDomainTool = MyDomainTool()
# Add a generic monitoring tool (a 'group' in old language). The returned
# Add a generic monitoring tool (a 'group' in old language). The returned
# object here is the standard GenericMonitoringTool.
# Add a GMT for the other example monitor algorithm
#anotherGroup = helper.addGroup(anotherAlgTRTMonitoringRun3,'TRTMonitoringRun3Monitor')
### STEP 5 ###
# anotherGroup = helper.addGroup(anotherAlgTRTMonitoringRun3,
# 'TRTMonitoringRun3Monitor')
# === STEP 5 === #
# Configure histograms
barrel_or_endcap = ('Barrel', 'EndCap')
be_id = ('B', 'E')
side_id = ('A', 'C')
......@@ -87,82 +88,113 @@ def TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolConfig(inputFlags):
s_moduleNum = (96, 64)
m_DistToStraw = 0.4
s_numberOfBarrelStacks = 32
m_nphi_bins = 360
m_minTRThits = 10
newRun = True
m_doChips = True
m_doShift = True
m_doExpert = True
m_doStraws = True
newLumiBlock = True
m_nphi_bins = 360
m_minTRThits = 10
newRun = True
m_doChips = True
m_doShift = True
m_doExpert = True
m_doStraws = True
newLumiBlock = True
m_ArgonXenonSplitter = True
distance = 0
for ibe in range(2):
myGroup = helper.addGroup(algTRTMonitoringRun3,'testTracksHistograms{0}'.format(ibe))
myGroup = helper.addGroup(algTRTMonitoringRun3,
regionTag = ' (' + barrel_or_endcap[ibe] + ')'
if newRun and m_doShift:
if ibe == 0:
myGroup.defineHistogram('DriftTimeonTrkDist_B;hDriftTimeonTrkDist',type='TH1F',title='Drift Time Distribution on Track for Xenon Straws{0};Drift Time (ns);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),path='TRT/Shift/{0}'.format(barrel_or_endcap[ibe]),xbins=32,xmin=0,xmax=100)
myGroup.defineHistogram('WireToTrkPosition_B;hWireToTrkPosition',type='TH1F',title='Track-to-Wire Distance for Xenon{0};Track-to-Wire Distance (mm);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),path='TRT/Shift/{0}'.format(barrel_or_endcap[ibe]),xbins=100,xmin=-5,xmax=5)
myGroup.defineHistogram('TronTDist_B;hTronTDist',type='TH1F',title='Trailing Edge Distribution on Track for Xenon Straws{0};Trailing Edge (ns);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),path='TRT/Shift/{0}'.format(barrel_or_endcap[ibe]),xbins=26,xmin=-0.5,xmax=80.75)
title='Drift Time Distribution on Track for Xenon Straws{0};'
'Drift Time (ns);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),
xbins=32, xmin=0, xmax=100)
title='Track-to-Wire Distance for Xenon{0};'
'Track-to-Wire Distance (mm);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),
xbins=100, xmin=-5, xmax=5)
title='Trailing Edge Distribution on Track for Xenon Straws{0};'
'Trailing Edge (ns);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),
xbins=26, xmin=-0.5, xmax=80.75)
elif ibe == 1:
myGroup.defineHistogram('Pull_Biased_EndCap_passed,Pull_Biased_EndCap;hPull_Biased_EndCap',type='TProfile',title='Biased Track Pulls for EndCap Hits;Pulls;Entries',path='TRT/Shift/{0}'.format(barrel_or_endcap[ibe]),xbins=200,xmin=-2.5,xmax=2.5)
title='Biased Track Pulls for EndCap Hits;Pulls;Entries',
xbins=200, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5)
for iside in range(2):
myGroup = helper.addGroup(algTRTMonitoringRun3,'testTracksHistogramsIside{0}{1}'.format(ibe,iside))
myGroup.defineHistogram('WireToTrkPosition_E;hWireToTrkPosition_{0}'.format(side_id[iside]),type='TH1F',title='Track-to-Wire Distance for Xenon{0};Track-to-Wire Distance (mm);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),path='TRT/Shift/{0}'.format(barrel_or_endcap[ibe]),xbins=100,xmin=-5,xmax=5)
myGroup.defineHistogram('TronTDist_E;hTronTDist_{0}'.format(side_id[iside]),type='TH1F',title='Trailing Edge Distribution on Track for Xenon Straws{0};Trailing Edge (ns);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),path='TRT/Shift/{0}'.format(barrel_or_endcap[ibe]),xbins=26,xmin=-0.5,xmax=80.75)
### STEP 6 ###
myGroup = helper.addGroup(algTRTMonitoringRun3,
''.format(ibe, iside))
title='Track-to-Wire Distance for Xenon{0};'
'Track-to-Wire Distance (mm);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),
xbins=100, xmin=-5, xmax=5)
title='Trailing Edge Distribution on Track for Xenon Straws{0};'
'Trailing Edge (ns);Norm. Entries'.format(regionTag),
xbins=26, xmin=-0.5, xmax=80.75)
# === STEP 6 === #
# Finalize. The return value should be a tuple of the ComponentAccumulator
# and the sequence containing the created algorithms. If we haven't called
# any configuration other than the AthMonitorCfgHelper here, then we can
# any configuration other than the AthMonitorCfgHelper here, then we can
# just return directly (and not create 'result' above)
#return helper.result()
# return helper.result()
# # Otherwise, merge with result object and return
acc = helper.result()
return result
if __name__=='__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Setup the Run III behavior
from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
Configurable.configurableRun3Behavior = 1
# Setup logs
from AthenaCommon.Logging import log
from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG,INFO
from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG, INFO
# Set the Athena configuration flags
from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
nightly = '/afs/'
file = 'data16_13TeV.00358031.physics_Main.recon.AOD.Athena.21.0.78.f961/TRT.ESD.11038520._000002.pool.root.1'
file = 'data16_13TeV.00358031.physics_Main.recon.AOD.Athena.' +
ConfigFlags.Input.Files = [nightly+file]
ConfigFlags.Input.isMC = False
ConfigFlags.Output.HISTFileName = 'TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolOutput.root'
# Initialize configuration object, add accumulator, merge, and run.
from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesSerialCfg
from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesSerialCfg
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
cfg = MainServicesSerialCfg()
#Configuration of the ATLAS Geo Model
# Configuration of the ATLAS Geo Model
from AtlasGeoModel.AtlasGeoModelConfig import AtlasGeometryCfg
geoCfg = AtlasGeometryCfg(ConfigFlags)
TRTMonitoringRun3Acc = TRTMonitoringRun3_ToolConfig(ConfigFlags)
ServiceMgr.Dump = False
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