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Commit da3c945e authored by Nikita Belyaev's avatar Nikita Belyaev
Browse files

First histogram booking block transfered

parent a2949f61
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......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public:
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) const override;
const AtlasDetectorID * m_idHelper;
const AtlasDetectorID* m_idHelper;
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doRandom {this,"RandomHist",false}; //< Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector?
// Services
......@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ private:
//const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager* m_mgr;
// Data handles
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TRT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainerKey {this, "TRTRawDataObjectName", "TRT_RDOs", "Name of TRT RDOs container"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_trackCollectionKey {this, "TRTTracksObjectName", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<TRT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainerKey {this, "TRTRawDataObjectName", "TRT_RDOs", "Name of TRT RDOs container"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_trackCollectionKey {this, "TRTTracksObjectName", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_trackCollectionKey {this, "TrackCollection", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_tracksName{this, "tracksName", "CombinedInDetTracks"}; //From SCTLorentzMonAlg.h
//SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_combTrackCollectionKey{this, "track_collection_hole_finder", "CombinedInDetTracks", "Name of tracks container used for hole finder"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<TrackCollection> m_combTrackCollectionKey{this, "TrackCollection", "Tracks", "Name of tracks container used for hole finder"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_xAODEventInfoKey {this, "xAODEventInfo", "EventInfo", "Name of EventInfo object"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_xAODEventInfoKey {this, "xAODEventInfo", "EventInfo", "Name of EventInfo object"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<InDetTimeCollection> m_TRT_BCIDCollectionKey {this, "TRTBCIDCollectionName", "TRT_BCID", "Name of TRT BCID collection"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<ComTime> m_comTimeObjectKey {this, "ComTimeObjectName", "TRT_Phase", "Name of ComTime object"};
//SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::TrigDecision> m_trigDecisionKey {this, "TrigDecisionObjectName", "xTrigDecision", "Name of trigger decision object"};
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ private:
bool m_doExpert;
bool m_doEfficiency;
const int s_numberOfStacks[2] = {32, 32};
//const int s_numberOfStacks[2] = {32, 32};
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
//,m_sumTool("TRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool", this)
......@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::initialize() {
// }
// Initialization of VarHandleKeys
//ATH_CHECK( m_rdoContainerKey.initialize() );
//ATH_CHECK( m_trackCollectionKey.initialize() );
//ATH_CHECK( m_combTrackCollectionKey.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_rdoContainerKey.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_trackCollectionKey.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_combTrackCollectionKey.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_xAODEventInfoKey.initialize() );
//ATH_CHECK( m_TRT_BCIDCollectionKey.initialize() );
//ATH_CHECK( m_comTimeObjectKey.initialize() );
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::initialize() {
// TRT ID helper
ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve(m_idHelper, "AtlasID") );
ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(m_idHelper, "AtlasID"));
return AthMonitorAlgorithm::initialize();
......@@ -103,10 +103,12 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) con
// Declare the quantities which should be monitored
auto lumiPerBCID = Monitored::Scalar<float>("lumiPerBCID",0.0);
auto b = Monitored::Scalar<bool>("a",true);
auto a = Monitored::Scalar<float>("b",1.0);
auto c = Monitored::Scalar<bool>("c",true);
auto d = Monitored::Scalar<float>("d",1.0);
auto a = Monitored::Scalar<float>("a",1.0);
auto a_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("a_passed",0);
auto b = Monitored::Scalar<float>("b",1.0);
auto b_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("b_passed",0);
auto c = Monitored::Scalar<float>("c",1.0);
auto c_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("c_passed",0);
auto lb = Monitored::Scalar<int>("lb",0);
auto run = Monitored::Scalar<int>("run",0);
auto random = Monitored::Scalar<float>("random",0.0);
......@@ -124,8 +126,31 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) con
auto hTimeResidual_B = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hTimeResidual_B",0.0);
auto hTimeResidual_B_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hTimeResidual_B_passed",false);
//auto thisStrawNumber = Monitored::Scalar<float>("thisStrawNumber",0.0);
//auto timeOverThreshold = Monitored::Scalar<float>("timeOverThreshold",false);\
auto hHitWMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitWMapS",0.0);
auto hHitTrWMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitTrWMapS",0.0);
auto hHitTrMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitTrMapS",0.0);
auto hHitAWMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitAWMapS",0.0);
auto hHitAMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitAMapS",0.0);
auto hOccupancyS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hOccupancyS",0.0);
auto hHitToTMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitToTMapS",0.0);
auto hHitToTLongMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitToTLongMapS",0.0);
auto hHitToTLongTrMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitToTLongTrMapS",0.0);
auto hHitHMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitHMapS",0.0);
auto hHitHWMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitHWMapS",0.0);
auto hHtoLMapS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHtoLMapS",0.0);
auto hHitWMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitWMapS",false);
auto hHitTrWMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitTrWMapS",false);
auto hHitTrMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitTrMapS",false);
auto hHitAWMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitAWMapS",false);
auto hHitAMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitAMapS",false);
auto hOccupancyS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hOccupancyS",false);
auto hHitToTMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitToTMapS",false);
auto hHitToTLongMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitToTLongMapS",false);
auto hHitToTLongTrMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitToTLongTrMapS",false);
auto hHitHMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitHMapS",false);
auto hHitHWMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHitHWMapS",false);
auto hHtoLMapS_passed = Monitored::Scalar<float>("hHtoLMapS",false);
// Set the values of the monitored variables for the event
lumiPerBCID = lbAverageInteractionsPerCrossing();
......@@ -142,31 +167,35 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) con
// Retrieve containers/objects only once per event
// Dereference handles to pass them to methods
//SG::ReadHandle<TRT_RDO_Container> rdoContainer{m_rdoContainerKey, ctx};
//SG::ReadHandle<TrackCollection> trackCollection{m_trackCollectionKey, ctx};
//SG::ReadHandle<TrackCollection> combTrackCollection{m_combTrackCollectionKey, ctx};
SG::ReadHandle<TRT_RDO_Container> rdoContainer{m_rdoContainerKey, ctx};
SG::ReadHandle<TrackCollection> trackCollection{m_trackCollectionKey, ctx};
SG::ReadHandle<TrackCollection> combTrackCollection{m_combTrackCollectionKey, ctx};
SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::EventInfo> xAODEventInfo{m_xAODEventInfoKey, ctx};
//SG::ReadHandle<InDetTimeCollection> trtBCIDCollection(m_TRT_BCIDCollectionKey);
//SG::ReadHandle<ComTime> comTimeObject(m_comTimeObjectKey);
//SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::TrigDecision> trigDecision(m_trigDecisionKey);
//if (!rdoContainer.isValid()) {
// ATH_MSG_WARNING("No TRT_RDO_Container by the name of " << m_rdoContainerKey.key() << " in StoreGate. Skipping TRT RDO Monitoring.");
// //m_doRDOsMon = false;
// if (!trackCollection.isValid()) {
// ATH_MSG_WARNING("No TrackCollection by the name of " << m_trackCollectionKey.key() << " in StoreGate. Skipping TRT Track Monitoring.");
// // m_doTracksMon = false;
// ATH_CHECK( checkEventBurst(*rdoContainer) );
// if (!rdoContainer.isValid()) {
// ATH_MSG_WARNING("No TRT_RDO_Container by the name of " << m_rdoContainerKey.key() << " in StoreGate. Skipping TRT RDO Monitoring.");
// return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// //m_doRDOsMon = false;
// }
if (!trackCollection.isValid()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("No TrackCollection by the name of " << m_trackCollectionKey.key() << " in StoreGate. Skipping TRT Track Monitoring.");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// m_doTracksMon = false;
// if (m_doEfficiency) {
// if (!combTrackCollection.isValid()) {
// ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not find track collection " << m_combTrackCollectionKey.key() << " in store");
// return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// }
// }
if (!xAODEventInfo.isValid()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not find event info object " << m_xAODEventInfoKey.key() << " in store");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
......@@ -177,7 +206,7 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) con
// return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// }
std::cout << "xAODEventInfo.timeStamp() = " << xAODEventInfo->timeStamp() << std::endl;
//std::cout << "xAODEventInfo.timeStamp() = " << xAODEventInfo->timeStamp() << std::endl;
// NOTE: failing to retrieve ComTime from store for some reason
// if (!comTimeObject.isValid()) {
// ATH_MSG_INFO("Could not find com time object " << m_comTimeObjectKey.key() <<
......@@ -242,23 +271,27 @@ StatusCode TRTMonitoringRun3_Tool::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) con
pT = r.Landau(15);
pT_passed = pT>r.Poisson(15);
hIntLum = lbDuration()*lbAverageLuminosity();
std::cout << "lbDuration() = " << lbDuration() << "; lbAverageLuminosity() = " << lbAverageLuminosity() << std::endl;
//std::cout << "lbDuration() = " << lbDuration() << "; lbAverageLuminosity() = " << lbAverageLuminosity() << std::endl;
hIntLum_passed = hIntLum>0.7;
hNumTrksDetPhi_B = 1.;
hNumTrksDetPhi_B_passed = hNumTrksDetPhi_B>0.7;
// for (int ibe = 0; ibe < 2; ibe++) {
// for (int i = 0; i < s_numberOfStacks[ibe] * 2; i++) {
// thisStrawNumber = ibe*100 + i;
// //timeOverThreshold = i*ibe + 1;
// timeOverThreshold = thisStrawNumber>0.7;
// fill("TOTGroup"+std::to_string(ibe)+std::to_string(i), thisStrawNumber, timeOverThreshold);
// }
// }
for (int ibe = 0; ibe < 10; ibe++) {
a = 100.*r.Rndm();
std::cout << a << std::endl;
a_passed = a>70;
b = 100.*r.Rndm();
b_passed = b>70;
c = 100.*r.Rndm();
c_passed = c>70;
// Fill. First argument is the tool name, all others are the variables to be saved.
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