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Draft: Added examples and made first approximation of modifications required for use of TurnCounter

Simon Albright requested to merge TurnCounter_ToyModel into master

Example for discussion, not to be merged for now.

  • Added a TrackingMap object to allow complex tracking with some objects tracked on every section and others only on specific sections
  • Modified the TrackIterator object to use the TurnCounter
  • Modifed RFStation to use a TurnCounter in place of a 1-list
  • Modified Ring to initialise the TurnCounter with the correct number of turns and sections
  • Changed the FullRingAndRF.track() function to do a single section at a time (with section number defined in the TurnCounter)
  • Added a folder of turn_counter_examples showing simple examples of how it might be used with single and multiple sections.

Merge request reports
