v2.1.115c85f0a0 · ·
* Adds Numba backend * Refactors One turn feedback module. * Other minor code clean-up.
v2.1.959cc1247 · ·
Bumps minimum supported python version to 3.8 (after matplotlib 3.7 dependency)
* Adds Numba backend * Refactors One turn feedback module. * Other minor code clean-up.
Improves blond.test() function to also verify that the required packages meet the minimum requirements.
Bumps minimum supported python version to 3.8 (after matplotlib 3.7 dependency)
Improves plot_impedance function
fixes warnings and some more minor issues
New parabolic distribution function and fixed warning in Plot
Adds test() function to verify proper installation.
Does not compile libblond during installation with pip. If needed, libblond can be compiled manually with the blond/compile.py script.
* Updates README.md * Simplifies and updates generation of documentation * minor improvements and fixes
Among others this new tag comes with: * GPU support with CuPy * gitlab-ci * bug fixes, performance improvements
The code has been cleaned-up and released as a package