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Commit 03276ba2 authored by Timothee Theveneaux-Pelzer's avatar Timothee Theveneaux-Pelzer 🖖
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Adding MadSpin decays for ttj MiNNLO

parent adc71d5c
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......@@ -2,11 +2,28 @@
from AthenaCommon import Logging
from ..powheg_V2 import PowhegV2
from ..external import ExternalMadSpin
## Get handle to Athena logging
logger = Logging.logging.getLogger("PowhegControl")
# Dictionary to convert the PowhegControl decay mode names to the appropriate
# decay mode numbers understood by Powheg
# The PowhegControl decay modes with MadSpin in their name use MadSpin to
# generate the top decays, the others use Powheg
_decay_mode_lookup = {
"t t~ > all [MadSpin]" : "00000", # switch off decays in Powheg and let MadSpin handle them!
"t t~ > all": "22222",
"t t~ > b j j b~ j j": "00022",
"t t~ > b l+ vl b~ l- vl~": "22200",
"t t~ > b emu+ vemu b~ emu- vemu~": "22000",
"t t~ > semileptonic": "11111",
"t t~ > undecayed" : "00000",
class ttj_MiNNLO(PowhegV2):
"""! Default Powheg configuration for top pair production plus one jet with MiNNLO.
......@@ -22,18 +39,22 @@ class ttj_MiNNLO(PowhegV2):
@param kwargs dictionary of arguments from Generate_tf.
# this is very hacky
# this is very hacky - needed to handle problems with error handling in some fortran codes
errors = super(ttj_MiNNLO, self).openloops_error()
warnings = super(ttj_MiNNLO, self).hoppet_warning()
infos = super(ttj_MiNNLO, self).hoppet_info()
super(ttj_MiNNLO, self).__init__(base_directory, "ttJ_MiNNLOPS_v1.0_beta1", powheg_executable="pwhg_main-gnu", warning_output=warnings, info_output=infos, error_output=errors, **kwargs)
# Add algorithms to the sequence
self.add_algorithm(ExternalMadSpin(process="generate p p > t t~ j [QCD]"))
# Add parameter validation functions
## List of allowed decay modes
self.allowed_decay_modes = ["t t~ > all", "t t~ > b j j b~ j j", "t t~ > b l+ vl b~ l- vl~", "t t~ > b emu+ vemu b~ emu- vemu~", "t t~ > semileptonic"]
# (The sorting of the list is just to increase readability when it's printed)
self.allowed_decay_modes = sorted(_decay_mode_lookup.keys())
# Add all keywords for this process, overriding defaults if required
......@@ -138,7 +159,7 @@ class ttj_MiNNLO(PowhegV2):
self.add_keyword("topdecaymode", self.allowed_decay_modes[0], name="decay_mode")
self.add_keyword("topdecaymode", self.allowed_decay_modes[1], name="decay_mode") # default decay is inclusive, by Powheg
......@@ -160,10 +181,17 @@ class ttj_MiNNLO(PowhegV2):
"""! Validate semileptonic and topdecaymode keywords."""
self.expose() # convenience call to simplify syntax
if self.decay_mode not in self.allowed_decay_modes:
logger.warning("Decay mode {} not recognised!".format(self.decay_mode))
raise ValueError("Decay mode {} not recognised!".format(self.decay_mode))
error_message = "Decay mode '{given}' not recognised, valid choices are: '{choices}'!".format(given=self.decay_mode, choices="', '".join(self.allowed_decay_modes))
raise ValueError(error_message)
# Check if MadSpin decays are requested.
# Accordingly, MadSpin will run or not run.
if "MadSpin" in self.decay_mode:
self.externals["MadSpin"].parameters_by_keyword("powheg_top_decays_enabled")[0].value = False
# Calculate appropriate decay mode numbers
__decay_mode_lookup = {"t t~ > all": "22222", "t t~ > b j j b~ j j": "00022", "t t~ > b l+ vl b~ l- vl~": "22200", "t t~ > b emu+ vemu b~ emu- vemu~": "22000", "t t~ > semileptonic": "11111"}
self.parameters_by_keyword("topdecaymode")[0].value = __decay_mode_lookup[self.decay_mode]
self.parameters_by_keyword("topdecaymode")[0].value = _decay_mode_lookup[self.decay_mode]
if self.decay_mode == "semileptonic":
# Parameter semileptonic must be set to 1 to actually get semileptonic decays, because the topdecaymode=11111 also allows fully hadronic decays (with one up and one charm quark)
self.parameters_by_keyword("semileptonic")[0].value = 1
......@@ -18,6 +18,21 @@ = [""]
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# define the decay mode
PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > all" # inclusive is the default
#PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > all b j j b~ j j"
#PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > all b l+ vl b~ l- vl~"
#PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > b emu+ vemu b~ emu- vemu~"
#PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > semileptonic"
#PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > undecayed"
## for handling decays with MadSpin
#PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "t t~ > all [MadSpin]"
#PowhegConfig.MadSpin_decays= ["decay t > w+ b, w+ > l+ vl", "decay t~ > w- b~, w- > l- vl~"]
#PowhegConfig.MadSpin_process= "generate p p > t t~ j [QCD]" # this process is default - can be changed (for studies)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate events
# --------------------------------------------------------------
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