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Commit 40836d88 authored by Mark Sutton's avatar Mark Sutton Committed by Frank Winklmeier
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Modify the TrigInDetConfig README files

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# TrigInDetConfig
The code in this packages is essentially just the python code for the configuration of the Inner Detector Trigger.
As such, the user should refer directly to the README file from the
......@@ -31,3 +31,167 @@ In addition to the modules supporting the current jobOptions configuration, addi
* Flags used by the ComponentAccumulator based configuration.
# How to configure the tracking from the TriggerMenuMT signature code
Generally components of the ID configuration for use by the signatures should
come from
Generally, there are four things that are needed:
* Tracking configuration settings - track collection names, Roi sizes etc
* Fast tracking configuration
* Precision tracking
* Vertexing
Generally the tracking configuration parameters should really live entirely
inside the tracking configuration
The names of Track collections however, should be set centrally and distributed
throughout the trigger configuration, rather than duplicated in different places.
Currently Roi Descriptor names are not obtained from the Tracking Configuration,
but they should be added to the parameters configured •
# Tracking configuration
For a signature instance, eg “muon”, "tauIso" etc we fetch the tracking configuration instance for
that signature, and obtain parameters, tack collection names etc, from the ConfigSettings
class for that instance:
from TrigInDetConfig.ConfigSetings importa getInDetTrigConfig
config = getInDetConfig( "tauIso" )
algo.etaHalfWidth = config.etaHalfWidth
algo.phiHalfWidth = config.phiHalfWidth
tracks_ftf = config.tracks_FTF()
tracks_idtrig = config.tracks_IDTrig()
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a track collection name or a vertex collection name EVER be hardcoded
as a string string literal into the signature configuration code
For instance
TrackParticleContainerName = "HLT_IDTrack_Electron_IDTrig"
should instead be obtained from the config
TrackParticleContainerName = config.tracks_IDTrig()
# Fast Tracking and Data preparation
The Fast Track Finder configuration code can be found in
An example on how to call this
from TrigInDetConfig.ConfigSettings import getInDetTrigConfig
idconfig = getInDetTrigConfig( signatureNameID )
from TrigInDetConfig.InDetSetup import makeInDetAlgs
viewAlgs, viewVerify = makeInDetAlgs( config = idconfig, rois = RoIs )
TrackCollection = idconfig.tracks_FTF()
The actual interface is
def makeInDetAlgs( config = None, rois = 'EMViewRoIs', doFTF = True, viewVerifier='IDViewDataVerifier', secondStageConfig = None):
where the arguments are
config - the ID Trigger configuration for the signature
rois - the view RoI name
doFTF - whether to run the actual FTF, or just the data preparation
viewVerifier - the view data verifier
secondStageConfig - the ID Trigger config for a second stage. This is not really used now,
since the second stage generally has its own instance now
# Precision Tracking
The code for this is in
and should be configured using
from TrigInDetConfig.ConfigSettings import getInDetTrigConfig
idconfig = getInDetTrigConfig( signatureNameID )
from TrigInDetConfig.InDetPT import makeInDetPrecisionTracking
viewAlgs, viewVerify = makeInDetPrecisionTracking( config = idconfig, rois = RoIs )
TrackCollection = idconfig.tracks_IDTrig()
The actual interface is
def makeInDetPrecisionTracking( config = None, verifier = False, rois = 'EMViewRoIs', prefix = 'InDetTrigMT'):
where the arguments are
config - the ID Trigger configuration for the signature
verifier - the view data verifier
rois - the view RoI name
prefix - Prefix for the algorithm name. This is needed to differentiate from the
Offline versions of th algorithm
## Minbias Tracking
This uses the code in
but the actual called function should be the same as for the precision tracking. *** need to check this ***
# Vertexing
The vertexing is configured using the code in
Typically it should be used as in th following example
from TrigInDetConfig.ConfigSettings import getInDetTrigConfig
idconfig = getInDetTrigConfig( "jet" )
from TrigInDetConfig.InDetSetup import makeVertices
vtxAlgs = makeVertices( "jet", idconfig.tracks_FTF(), idconfig.vertex, idconfig )
vertexCollection = idconfig.vertex
The actual function is defined
def makeVertices( whichSignature, inputTrackCollection, outputVtxCollection=None, config=None, adaptiveVertex=None ) :
where the arguments are
whichSignature - the ID Trigger signature
inputTrackCollection - the input track collection key
outputVtxCollection - optional output vertex collection key
config - optional configuration
adaptiveVertex - flag to determine whether the adaptive vertexing should be used
The reason for this somewhat redundent structure, is because of the prior need to be able to run both the adaptive, and iterative vertex finders in the jet slice, and as such the signature name and the configuration needed to be able to be set to be independent, as did the output vertex collection name, and whether the adaptive vertex algorithm should be run.
As such, this ```makeVertices()``` function contains code to determine the ID config automatically from ```whichSignature```.
Now that both vertex algorithms do not need to be run in the chain, this should probably be replaced by calls to the principle ```vertexFinder_builder()``` function
Last updated 2021 - 10 - 01
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