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Commit e466eb40 authored by Charles Burton's avatar Charles Burton Committed by Frank Winklmeier
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Formatted strings in histogram aliases

parent 1098192a
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......@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ def ExampleMonitoringConfig(inputFlags):
# Using templates for histogram titles or paths
array1D.defineHistogram('c', title='Layer {0}', path='Keys', xmax=3.)
array1D.defineHistogram('c;c_alternate', title='Layer', path='Keys/{0}', xmax=3.)
array1D.defineHistogram('c;c_{0}_formatted', path='Keys', xmax=3.)
array2D.defineHistogram('c', title='Cluster {1}, Layer {0}', path='Keys/{1}', xmax=3.)
# Making a histogram only for certain elements of the array
......@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ TH1F /top/Keys/clusterB/c_layer2_clusterB: 979 uncompressed (hash 1313380230)
TH1F /top/Keys/clusterB/c_layer1_clusterB: 979 uncompressed (hash 1105958788)
TH1F /top/Keys/c_restricted_layer2_clusterX: 989 uncompressed (hash 255957623)
TH1F /top/Keys/c_restricted_layer1_clusterB: 989 uncompressed (hash 457873993)
TH1F /top/Keys/c_layer2_formatted: 968 uncompressed (hash 2820051072)
TH1F /top/Keys/c_layer2: 952 uncompressed (hash 1161596241)
TH1F /top/Keys/c_layer1_formatted: 968 uncompressed (hash 2614268030)
TH1F /top/Keys/c_layer1: 952 uncompressed (hash 955944271)
TH1F /top/EtaPhi/a_3_1: 578 uncompressed (hash 3580844046)
TH1F /top/EtaPhi/a_3_0: 578 uncompressed (hash 3475986445)
......@@ -48,7 +50,9 @@ TH1F /OneRing/Keys/clusterB/c_layer2_clusterB: 979 uncompressed (hash 1313380230
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/clusterB/c_layer1_clusterB: 979 uncompressed (hash 1105958788)
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/c_restricted_layer2_clusterX: 989 uncompressed (hash 255957623)
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/c_restricted_layer1_clusterB: 989 uncompressed (hash 457873993)
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/c_layer2_formatted: 968 uncompressed (hash 2820051072)
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/c_layer2: 952 uncompressed (hash 1161596241)
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/c_layer1_formatted: 968 uncompressed (hash 2614268030)
TH1F /OneRing/Keys/c_layer1: 952 uncompressed (hash 955944271)
TH1F /OneRing/EtaPhi/a_3_1: 578 uncompressed (hash 3580844046)
TH1F /OneRing/EtaPhi/a_3_0: 578 uncompressed (hash 3475986445)
......@@ -130,13 +130,21 @@ class GenericMonitoringArray:
# assume we have list of strings or ints; convert to list of 1-element tuples
pattern = [(_2,) for _2 in pattern]
for postfix, tool in self.Tools.items():
aliased = unAliased+';'+aliasBase+postfix
accessors = tuple(self.Accessors[postfix])
if pattern is not None:
if accessors not in pattern:
# two options for alias formatting,
# a) default convention: (var_0, var_1, etc.)
# b) custom formatting: 'alias{0}custom'.format(*(0, 1))
aliasBaseFormatted = aliasBase.format(*accessors)
if aliasBaseFormatted==aliasBase:
# if format call did not do anything, use default
aliased = unAliased+';'+aliasBase+postfix
# if format call changed the alias, use custom
aliased = aliasBaseFormatted
if title is not None:
kwargs['title'] = title.format(*accessors)
if path is not None:
......@@ -144,7 +152,7 @@ class GenericMonitoringArray:
except IndexError as e:
log.error('In title or path template of histogram {0}, too many positional '\
'arguments were requested. Title and path templates were "{1}" and "{2}", '\
'while only {3} fillers were given: {4}.'.format(aliased, title,\
'while only {3} fillers were given: {4}.'.format(aliasBase, title,\
path, len(accessors), accessors))
raise e
......@@ -106,6 +106,15 @@ class TestGMT(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
gma.defineHistogram('y', path='{1}')
def test_aliasTemplate(self):
gma = GenericMonitoringArray('TestGMA', [['a','b']])
d = histogramDictionary(list(gma[0].Histograms)+list(gma[1].Histograms))
self.assertEqual(d['x-alias-a-formatted']['alias'], 'x-alias-a-formatted')
self.assertEqual(d['x-alias-b-formatted']['alias'], 'x-alias-b-formatted')
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_forwardsHistogramArguments(self):
gma = GenericMonitoringArray('TestGMA', [2])
gma.defineHistogram('x,y', type='TH2D', weight='z')
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