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Commit f9ba2a4d authored by Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar Vakhtang Tsulaia
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Merge branch 'dev/improv-live-histo-copy' into 'master'

Monitoring: improving copying of live histograms

See merge request atlas/athena!47292
parents f9303c9b e34cf2a0
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Tags nightly/master/2021-10-18T2001
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......@@ -64,19 +64,7 @@ namespace Monitored {
m_currentHistogram = m_factory->create(*m_histDef);
} else {
// The histogram exists and needs to be rolled
if (m_histDef->type!="TEfficiency") {
// Store the data and deregister the old histogram.
TH1* hClone = (TH1*) m_currentHistogram->Clone();
// Update the bin ranges and register the new histogram.
TH1* hNew = (TH1*) m_factory->create(*m_histDef);
// Fill it with the old histogram's data and update pointer.
copyDataToNewHistogram(hClone, hNew);
m_currentHistogram = hNew;
// Free the memory used by the clone
delete hClone;
} else {
if (m_histDef->type=="TEfficiency") {
// Roll a TEfficiency (same process as the codeblock immediately above)
TH1* totalClone = ((TEfficiency*) m_currentHistogram)->GetCopyTotalHisto();
TH1* passedClone = ((TEfficiency*) m_currentHistogram)->GetCopyPassedHisto();
......@@ -94,6 +82,30 @@ namespace Monitored {
delete totalNew;
delete passedClone;
delete passedNew;
} else if (m_histDef->type=="TProfile") {
// Store the data and deregister the old histogram.
TProfile* hClone = (TProfile*) m_currentHistogram->Clone();
// Update the bin ranges and register the new histogram.
TProfile* hNew = (TProfile*) m_factory->create(*m_histDef);
// Fill it with the old histogram's data and update pointer.
copyDataToNewHistogram(hClone, hNew);
m_currentHistogram = hNew;
// Free the memory used by the clone
delete hClone;
} else {
// Store the data and deregister the old histogram.
TH1* hClone = (TH1*) m_currentHistogram->Clone();
// Update the bin ranges and register the new histogram.
TH1* hNew = (TH1*) m_factory->create(*m_histDef);
// Fill it with the old histogram's data and update pointer.
copyDataToNewHistogram(hClone, hNew);
m_currentHistogram = hNew;
// Free the memory used by the clone
delete hClone;
......@@ -110,20 +122,13 @@ namespace Monitored {
* @brief Copies bin contents from an old to a new histogram (similar to LabelsInflate).
* @brief Copies bin contents from an old to a new histogram.
void copyDataToNewHistogram(TH1* hOld, TH1* hNew) {
int offset = hNew->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - hOld->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
int nNewEntries(0);
bool sumw2Filled = (hOld->GetSumw2N()>0);
TProfile* hOldprof(nullptr);
TProfile* hNewprof(nullptr);
bool isTProfile = (hOld->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class()) && hNew->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class()));
if (isTProfile) {
hOldprof = static_cast<TProfile* >(hOld);
hNewprof = static_cast<TProfile* >(hNew);
// Loop through the old histogram bins
for (int oldBin=0; oldBin < hOld->GetNcells(); oldBin++) {
// Convert global bin number into x-y-z bin number
......@@ -134,36 +139,56 @@ namespace Monitored {
} else {
// Get the global bin coordinate of this (x, y, z) bin coordinates.
int newBin = hNew->GetBin(oldBinX, oldBinY, oldBinZ);
if (isTProfile) {
int oldBinEntries = hOldprof->GetBinEntries(oldBin);
if (oldBinEntries>0) {
nNewEntries += oldBinEntries;
hNewprof->SetBinEntries(newBin, oldBinEntries);
hNewprof->SetBinContent(newBin, oldBinEntries*hOldprof->GetBinContent(oldBin));
(*hNewprof->GetSumw2())[newBin] = (*hOldprof->GetSumw2())[oldBin];
else {
if (hOld->GetBinContent(oldBin)) hNew->SetBinContent(newBin, hOld->GetBinContent(oldBin));
if (sumw2Filled) {
hNew->SetBinError(newBin, hOld->GetBinError(oldBin));
nNewEntries+=(*hOld->GetSumw2())[oldBin]; // works correctly only for weight=1
int newBin = hNew->GetBin(oldBinX-offset, oldBinY, oldBinZ);
if (hOld->GetBinContent(oldBin)) hNew->SetBinContent(newBin, hOld->GetBinContent(oldBin));
if (sumw2Filled) {
hNew->SetBinError(newBin, hOld->GetBinError(oldBin));
nNewEntries+=(*hOld->GetSumw2())[oldBin]; // works correctly only for weight=1
// Update the total number of entries member.
if (sumw2Filled) hNew->SetEntries(nNewEntries);
else hNew->SetEntries(hOld->GetEntries()); // a choice since there is no way to get it right.
void copyDataToNewHistogram(TProfile* hOld, TProfile* hNew) {
int offset = hNew->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - hOld->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
int nNewEntries(0);
bool sumw2Filled = (hOld->GetSumw2N()>0);
// Loop through the old histogram bins
for (int oldBin=0; oldBin < hOld->GetNcells(); oldBin++) {
// Convert global bin number into x-y-z bin number
int oldBinX, oldBinY, oldBinZ;
hOld->GetBinXYZ(oldBin, oldBinX, oldBinY, oldBinZ);
if ((oldBinX-offset < 1) || hOld->IsBinUnderflow(oldBin, 1) || hOld->IsBinOverflow(oldBin, 1)) {
// Overflow bins are ignored since their meaning has changed.
} else {
// Get the global bin coordinate of this (x, y, z) bin coordinates.
int newBin = hNew->GetBin(oldBinX-offset, oldBinY, oldBinZ);
int oldBinEntries = hOld->GetBinEntries(oldBin);
if (oldBinEntries>0) {
nNewEntries += oldBinEntries;
hNew->SetBinEntries(newBin, oldBinEntries);
(*hNew)[newBin] = (*hOld)[oldBin];
(*hNew->GetSumw2())[newBin] = (*hOld->GetSumw2())[oldBin];
// Update the total number of entries member.
if (sumw2Filled) hNew->SetEntries(nNewEntries);
else hNew->SetEntries(hOld->GetEntries()); // a choice since there is no way to get it right.
GenericMonitoringTool* const m_gmTool;
std::shared_ptr<HistogramFactory> m_factory;
std::shared_ptr<HistogramDef> m_histDef;
TNamed *m_currentHistogram = nullptr;
int m_currentLumiBlock = 0;
#endif /* AthenaMonitoringKernel_HistogramFiller_LiveHistogramProvider_h */
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