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Fixed a bug related to the precise breaks

Luis Aleixo requested to merge bugfix/precise_breaks into master

Triggered by ARIA tool:

About the problem of 500 it is showing when there are breaks (the back-end seems not to check correctly that a break is inside a timeframe, but maybe I am wrong).

This MR fixes a bug related to the precise bugs on the different populations (infected vs exposed). Before, the conditional logic was only considering the presence time of the infected population, while it should be the presence either the infected and exposed. Tests were updated accordingly.

Expected structure of specific_breaks:

"specific_breaks": {
        "exposed_breaks": [
                        "start_time": "hh:mm",
                        "finish_time": "mm:hh"
                }, ...
        "infected_breaks": [...],

Each of the input should be within the simulation time of the respective population.

Merge request reports