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  • Sebastien Ponce's avatar
    Several improvements on the new scheduling component : · c4b41fad
    Sebastien Ponce authored
      - lot's of renaming. jobs are now transfers, client commands are named listtransfers, killtransfers and draintransfers, daemons are called diskmanagerd and transfermanagerd, packages are renamed accordingly, ...
      - a drain mode has been added to the transferdaemon to ease the retirement of machines running it
      - ports used are not colliding anymore with LSF so that we can let LSF run and only stop/start the jobmanagerd and the transfermanagerd when we switch from one mode to the other and back
      - the badmin command has dropped in favour of automatic, regular reload of all configuration files
      - client commands have been extended to allow restriction to a given diskpool and user
      - the listtransfer commands has been extended to display more parameters, depending on options (e.g. number of unique pending jobs in a pool, per protocols values)
      - reconnection to the ORACLE DB have been fixed
      - DLF logging has been fixed (both the wrapping of it through enums and the insertion of new facilities in the facility table)