""" Define methods used to instantiate configured Calorimeter Calibration reconstruction tools and algorithms
Copyright (C) 2022 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFolders
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
from CaloRecTools.CaloRecToolConfig import CaloRecToolCfg
# One stop shopping for normal FASER data
def CalorimeterReconstructionCfg(flags, **kwargs):
""" Return all algorithms and tools for Waveform reconstruction """
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
kwargs.setdefault("CaloWaveHitContainerKey", "CaloWaveformHits")
kwargs.setdefault("PreshowerWaveHitContainerKey", "PreshowerWaveformHits")
kwargs.setdefault("CaloHitContainerKey", "CaloHits")
kwargs.setdefault("PreshowerHitContainerKey", "PreshowerHits")
acc.merge(CaloRecToolCfg(flags, **kwargs))
kwargs.pop("MC_calibTag") # Remove this if it is specified so it does not get pased to CaloRecAlg
recoAlg = CompFactory.CaloRecAlg("CaloRecAlg", isMC = flags.Input.isMC, **kwargs)
return acc
def CalorimeterReconstructionOutputCfg(flags, **kwargs):
""" Return ComponentAccumulator with output for Calorimeter Reco"""
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
ItemList = [
, "xAOD::CalorimeterHitAuxContainer#*"
acc.merge(OutputStreamCfg(flags, "xAOD", ItemList))
# ostream = acc.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamRDO")
# ostream.TakeItemsFromInput = True # Don't know what this does
return acc