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GeoModelTestAlg.h 4.61 KiB
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthReentrantAlgorithm.h"
// #include "MagFieldInterfaces/IMagFieldSvc.h"
// #include "TrackerAlignGenTools/ITrackerAlignDBTool.h"
// MagField cache
#include "MagFieldConditions/FaserFieldCacheCondObj.h"
#include "MagFieldElements/FaserFieldCache.h"
// Minimalist algorithm to test retrieval of constructed geometry from DetStore
class GeoModelTestAlg : public AthReentrantAlgorithm
GeoModelTestAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
virtual ~GeoModelTestAlg();
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
virtual StatusCode execute(const EventContext& ctx) const override;
virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
StatusCode testVeto() const;
StatusCode testVetoNu() const;
StatusCode testTrigger() const;
StatusCode testPreshower() const;
StatusCode testSCT() const;
StatusCode testField(const EventContext& ctx) const;
// Independently specify the "right" number of elements, for comparison with what we get from detector store
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numVetoStations {this, "NumVetoStations", 2, "Number of stations in the Veto detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numVetoPlatesPerStation {this, "NumVetoPlatesPerStation", 2, "Number of plates per station in the Veto detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numVetoPmtsPerPlate {this, "NumVetoPmtsPerPlate", 1, "Number of pmts per plate in the Veto detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numTriggerStations {this, "NumTriggerStations", 1, "Number of stations in the Trigger detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numTriggerPlatesPerStation {this, "NumTriggerPlatesPerStation", 2, "Number of plates per station in the Trigger detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numTriggerPmtsPerPlate {this, "NumTriggerPmtsPerPlate", 2, "Number of pmts per plate in the Trigger detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numPreshowerStations {this, "NumPreshowerStations", 1, "Number of stations in the Preshower detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numPreshowerPlatesPerStation {this, "NumPreshowerPlatesPerStation", 2, "Number of plates per station in the Preshower detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numPreshowerPmtsPerPlate {this, "NumPreshowerPmtsPerPlate", 1, "Number of pmts per plate in the Preshower detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numVetoNuStations {this, "NumVetoNuStations", 1, "Number of stations in the VetoNu detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numVetoNuPlatesPerStation {this, "NumVetoNuPlatesPerStation", 2, "Number of plates per station in the VetoNu detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numVetoNuPmtsPerPlate {this, "NumVetoNuPmtsPerPlate", 1, "Number of pmts per plate in the VetoNu detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_firstSctStation {this, "FirstSCTStation", 1, "Identifier of the first SCT station (0 w/FaserNu, 1 otherwise)"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_lastSctStation {this, "LastSCTStation", 3, "Identifier of the last SCT station (normally 3)"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numSctPlanesPerStation {this, "NumSCTPlanesPerStation", 3, "Number of planes per station in the SCT detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numSctRowsPerPlane {this, "NumSCTRowsPerPlane", 4, "Number of rows of modules per plane in the SCT detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numSctModulesPerRow {this, "NumSCTModulesPerRow", 2, "Number of modules per row in the SCT detector"};
Gaudi::Property<int> m_numSctStripsPerSensor {this, "NumSCTStripsPerSensor", 768,"Number of readout strips per sensor in the SCT detector"};
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_printSctIdentifiers {this, "PrintSctIDs", false, "Flag to print raw wafer identifiers"};
int m_numSctStations;
// ServiceHandle<MagField::IMagFieldSvc> m_field { this, "FieldService", "FaserFieldSvc" };
// Read handle for conditions object to get the field cache
SG::ReadCondHandleKey<FaserFieldCacheCondObj> m_fieldCondObjInputKey {this, "FaserFieldCacheCondObj", "fieldCondObj",
"Name of the Magnetic Field conditions object key"};
// ToolHandle<ITrackerAlignDBTool> m_alignTool { this, "AlignDbTool", "TrackerAlignDBTool" };