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Merged Alkaid Cheng requested to merge dev2 into master
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+ 398
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@@ -8,12 +8,22 @@ DEFAULT_SAMPLE_CONFIG_FORMAT = {
"of input root samples in which the input root samples are located; "
"examples of sample type are the mc campaigns and data year for "
"mc and data samples respectively"),
"samples": ConfigComponent(dtypes=["DICT[DICT[STR]]", "DICT[DICT[LIST[STR]]]"], required=True,
"samples": ConfigComponent(dtypes=["DICT[DICT[STR]]", "DICT[DICT[LIST[STR]]]"], default_factory=dict,
description="A map from the sample name to the sample path in the form "
"{<sample_type>: <sample_path>}; if path is given by an "
"absolute path, the absolute path is used, otherwise the path "
"{sample_dir}/{sample_subdir}/{path} is used",
example='"sample_name": {"ggF": {"mc16a": "ggF_mc16a.root", "mc16d": "ggF_mc16d.root"}}'),
example='"samples": {"ggF": {"mc16a": "ggF_mc16a.root", "mc16d": "ggF_mc16d.root"}}'),
"systematic_samples": ConfigComponent(dtypes=["DICT[DICT[DICT[ANY]]]"], default_factory=dict,
description="A map to the systematic sample path in the form "
"<syst_theme>: {<sample_name>: {<sample_type>: <path>}}}; "
"if path is given by an absolute path, the absolute path is used, "
"otherwise the path {sample_dir}/{sample_subdir}/{path} is used",
example='"systematic_samples": {"PhotonSys": {"ggF": {"mc16a": "ggF_mc16a.root", '
'"mc16d": "ggF_mc16d.root"}}}'),
"systematics": ConfigComponent(dtypes=["DICT[LIST[STR]]"], default_factory=dict,
description="A map to the list systematic names in the form "
"<syst_theme>: [<syst_name>]"),
"merge_samples": ConfigComponent(dtypes="DICT[LIST[STR]]", default_factory=dict,
description="merge the given list of samples into a sample with a given name in "
"the form {<merged_sample_name>: <list_of_samples_to_be_merged>}",
@@ -232,4 +242,21 @@ DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CONFIG_FORMAT = {
example='"channel": {"LowPtRegion": {"exclude_categories": [[0]]')
"observable": ConfigComponent(dtypes="STR", required=True,
description="Branch name of the observable in the root file"),
"prune_significative": ConfigComponent(dtypes="BOOL", default=True,
description="Whether to prune non-significative systematics."),
"prune_threshold": ConfigComponent(dtypes="FLOAT", default=0,
description="Magnitude of systematic below which should be pruned."),
"n_toys": ConfigComponent(dtypes="INT", default=100,
description="Number of bootstrap toys to use when evaluating shape systematics."),
"error_method": ConfigComponent(dtypes="STR", default="analytic",
description="Method by which systematic error should be evaluated"),
"shape_syst_method": ConfigComponent(dtypes="STR", default="mean_IQR",
description="Method by which shape systematic should be evaluated"),
"partition_method": ConfigComponent(dtypes="STR", default="bootstrap",
description="Method by which (shape) systematic partitions should be created.")
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