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OS-16560: Refactoring of nova producer and add usage metrics per aggregates

Domingo Rivera Barros requested to merge aggr into master

Summary of changes:

  • Removal of nova_cell, nova_baremetal and nova_api producers. Moving everything to producer/nova/ Moving out the sqlalchemy queries to producer/nova/db_queries/ where we have,,
  • Now the cell names, connection strings and availability zones are read from the nova_api database, using the function _get_cell_dbs(), get_avz_by_cell_name() present on and Therefore, all this info can be removed from the dblogger config file (
  • Region is taken from the nova_api_main and nova_api_next sections on the dblogger config file.
  • Added a new parameter "nova_producer_ignored_cells" for cells that we don't want to monitor. E.g. cell0.
  • Currently we keep the metrics per cell but added new ones per aggregates (hypervisors_ram_per_aggregate, hypervisors_cpu_per_aggregate, hypervisors_disk_per_aggregate)
Edited by Domingo Rivera Barros

Merge request reports