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containerd 1.0.0-alpha0

We are pushing the first containerd alpha release today.  It includes a fully
functional execution, content, snapshotting filesystems, and distribution

With the alpha release we wanted to make sure the GRPC API was in a good shape
for people to start or finish the integrations for the 1.0 branch.  Ideally,
there will not be any major API changes after this release.

We encourage users integrating containerd into their software and platforms to
use our Go client, `import ""`.  We have not
finalized this Go API at the time of the alpha release so that users can
provide feedback and modifications can be made to the client to reduce code
that containerd consumers have to write.

During the alpha period, we will be working on integrating containerd into
various projects and working out any rough edges or bugs.  We will also be
tagging a weekly alpha release going forward with fixes and updates during this