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Draft: Adaptation of the software to Mueller-Navelet Jets analysis

Leo Tarbouriech requested to merge ltarbour/Core:darwin into darwin

This commit contains the following modifications:

    modified:   MNJets/bin/BuildFile.xml
    --> the executable MNJets/bin/ has been added in the file

    new file:   MNJets/bin/
    --> this executable allow to directly draw the dsigmadphi abservables in different bins of eta

    modified:   MNJets/bin/getMNobservables.h
    --> the delta rapidity between the two Mueller-Navelet Jets criteria has been removed in the function MNO
    --> this function is now only ordering the jets in rapidity

    modified:   Normalisation/bin/BuildFile.xml
    -->two executable has been removed: Normalisation/bin/
    and Normalisation/bin/
    -->Normalisation/bin/ was created in the preceding commit to implement the beahv
    applyDataPrescales and applyDataLumi in the same excutable a boolean is used as third argument to choose
    -->now this behaviour has been implemented in applyDataPrescales to avoid the multiplication of similar executable

    deleted:    Normalisation/bin/

    modified:   Normalisation/bin/TriggerEff.h
    --> instead of setting all the bins of above the trigger threshold to the value 1, it keeps the efficienc
    that has been calculated

    modified:   Ntupliser/python/
    --> add a new condition such that if a list argument "trigger" is specified in the .json config file,
    mkNtuples will use this list of triggers instead of the standard ones written in
    --> produce a warning to the user listing the triggers that will be used

    --> minor othographic corrections
    modified:   Ntupliser/scripts/mkNtuples
    --> print an extanded error message and exit in case of a problem in retreiving the data files
    --> usefull when you do not achieve to read a dataset

    modified:   Trigger/bin/
    --> add the new list of trigger (6 triggers)
    --> WARNING: the list of the trigger pt threshold is hard coded

    new file:
    Add a new executable that plots the correlation matrix between reco-level and hlt-level information. It a
    the hlt-level and reco-levek info

    modified:   getMNobservables.h
    Add a new function MNselector() that allow to implement cleanly the selection that is applied on the even
    For the moment, the selection is that one of the Mueller-Navelet jets match with one of the hltJets
    The matchnig condiction is deltaphi<0.05 and deltaeta<0.05

    -->Add the selector just after the line that fills the ptlead spectrum. The role of the selector is to apply the triggers
    to the events in the getMNobservables function. But in fact this is not a good idea. The triggers should be handled by
    the normalisation script applyDataPrescales no other script should use this information.
    -->Add a new argument to pass a two column file containing the name of the triggers in the first column.
    This argument is used to determine the number of trigger that have been used and to do one folder per tri
    containing the same observable but ibtain separatly with each of the available-in-dataset trigger
    modified:   BuildFile.xml
    -->Add the command


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