HHBBGG Data Driven Background Estimation
This PR implements in HiggsDNA the method for the data-driven estimation of processes with at least one fake photon. The logic of the method, along with its results, have been described in this presentation. Currently, the implementation is performed on the v1 parquet files, and for the Run3_2022postEE era. A parquet file containing the events from the data-driven method can be produced with the command:
ipython3 scripts/DD_Estimate.py -- -i ${INPUTFILE} -o ${OUTPATH} --run_era Run3_2022postEE
As an input file, the script takes HHbbgg yaml files, e.g. this. Once the v2 parquet files are there, we will follow up with another PR to make it work with that set of files, and for more eras. Having said that, this PR is independent of the v2 sample production. FYI @evourlio