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A small C++ helper function (weight factor for failing jet) for applying b-tagging scalefactors

Pieter David requested to merge piedavid/bamboo:helper_combinebtagsf into master

A one-liner to calculate the weight contribution for failing objects (see

For the PU ID I can then do this for the weight (not as compact as it could be, but nothing should be evaluated more than necessary - I hope it's correct 🤞 - for the b-tagging it should be similar, but with the outer switch the different hadron flavours instead of PU/non-PU):

puIDSFLib = {
        f"{year}_{wp}" : {
            f"{eom}_{mcsf}" : os.path.join(ttWPkgRoot,
                "data", "PUID", f"PUID_80X_{eom}_{mcsf}_{year}_{wp}.json")
            for eom in ("eff", "mistag") for mcsf in ("mc", "sf")
    for year in ("2016", "2017", "2018") for wp in "LMT"

import bamboo.scalefactors

def makePUIDSF(jets, year=None, wp=None, wpToCut=None):
    sfwpyr = puIDSFLib[f"{year}_{wp}"]
    sf_eff = bamboo.scalefactors.get_scalefactor("lepton", "eff_sf"   , sfLib=sfwpyr, paramDefs=bamboo.scalefactors.binningVariables_nano)
    sf_mis = bamboo.scalefactors.get_scalefactor("lepton", "mistag_sf", sfLib=sfwpyr, paramDefs=bamboo.scalefactors.binningVariables_nano)
    eff_mc = bamboo.scalefactors.get_scalefactor("lepton", "eff_mc"   , sfLib=sfwpyr, paramDefs=bamboo.scalefactors.binningVariables_nano)
    mis_mc = bamboo.scalefactors.get_scalefactor("lepton", "mistag_mc", sfLib=sfwpyr, paramDefs=bamboo.scalefactors.binningVariables_nano)
    jets_m50 =, lambda j : < 50.)
    wFail = op.extMethod("scalefactorWeightForFailingObject", returnType="double")
    return op.rng_product(jets_m50, lambda j : op.switch(j.genJet.isValid,
        op.switch(wpToCut[wp](j), sf_eff(j), wFail(sf_eff(j), eff_mc(j))),
        op.switch(wpToCut[wp](j), sf_mis(j), wFail(sf_mis(j), mis_mc(j)))

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