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(more) avoiding explicit constant proxy declarations

Sebastien Wertz requested to merge swertz/bamboo:addRightOverload into master
  • Add python right-hand operator overloads. This should make it possible to write e.g MT = op.sqrt( 2. * * lepton.p4.Pt() * (1. - op.cos(op.Phi_mpi_pi(met.phi - lepton.p4.Phi()))) ) instead of MT = op.sqrt( op.c_float(2.) * * lepton.p4.Pt() * (op.c_float(1.) - op.cos(op.Phi_mpi_pi(met.phi - lepton.p4.Phi()))) ).
  • Make sure OR and AND handle boolean constants correctly.
Edited by Sebastien Wertz

Merge request reports