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Print the average time per job when using slurm

Pieter David requested to merge piedavid/bamboo:slurm_timereport into master

This will print a time report for successful tasks, e.g.

INFO:bamboo.analysismodules:Average runtime for successful tasks (to further tune job splitting):
INFO:bamboo.analysismodules: - DoubleMuon_2016C: 00:20:36.000 (1 jobs, total: 00:20:36.000)
INFO:bamboo.analysismodules: - DY_M10to50_2016: 00:23:9.500 (2 jobs, total: 00:46:19.000)

which should help with estimating an appropriate splitting factor for the samples. I also included a few minor fixes / simplifications for the code that deals with the splitting (the failed commands and output filename are available from the task and its arguments, respectively, so there's no need to parse the command / put them in the report).

This will also need to be added for the HTCondor backend (tracked in #40 (closed) )

Merge request reports