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Include unit test for lnN-based common systematics

While there are a lot of different sources of uncertainties and methods for a given set of systematics, there are some few for which the values are globally defined. This PR implements a check for the lumi uncertainties for Run2. Currently, two tests are implemented:

  • Check if a given set of lumi uncertainties for a specific year (e.g. 2016) is implemented
  • Check whether the values in the card match the expected values.

This is not meant to be fool-proof - e.g., there are analyses that combine the full Run2 stats into a single template, which would yield the lumi uncertainties to be shape-based and thus harder to check, or they might be missing on purpose in case of data-driven estimations. Nevertheless, I think it's a good starting point imho. The tests have been tested on two HIG analyses already.

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