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buildenv images

Glenn Dirkx requested to merge gldirkx-initial into master

Based on the original proposal:

cactus-buildenv-scratch:cc8-yyyy-mm-dd (cc8 + yum install)
-> cactus-buildenv-base:cc8-yy-mm-dd (scratch + ipbus & friends)
    -> cactus-buildenv-full:cc8-yyyy-mm-dd (XDAQ, TS, ...)

This proposal creates two images:

  • cactus-buildenv/scratch
    starts from a CERN Linux image and installs common dependencies
    example tags:
    • cc7 (latest cc7 based image on master)
    • cc7-2020-06-23 (cc7 based image on master on that date)
    • cc7-1.0.0 (cc7 image for tag 1.0.0)
    • gldirkx-initial-cc7-2020-06-23 (cc7 image for feature branch)
  • cactus-buildenv/base-xdaq14 installs XDAQ, uHAL, AMC13, and MP7 packages
    tags are the same as the scratch image this name currently only specifies a xdaq version, but could include more (like uhal26)

In future, the TS builds would be based on these images, which in turn would be used for SWATCH builds.

Edited by Glenn Dirkx

Merge request reports