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Monitorable object & snapshot: Add information about exceptions thrown when updating metrics

Tom Williams requested to merge add-monitoring-update-error-info into master

In case an exception is thrown by a retrieveMetricValues method, the following information will be stored in MonitorableObjectSnapshot:

  • The exception type
  • The exception message
  • The function, file and line from which the exception was thrown
  • All of the above for a nested exception, in case one throws a new exception from a catch block and stores the previous exception as follows:
void my_internal_function()
  MyException e("some message");

    << ::boost::original_exception_type(&typeid(e))\
    << ::boost::throw_function(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)\
    << ::boost::throw_file(__FILE__)\
    << ::boost::throw_line((int)__LINE__);

void my_function()
  try {
  catch (boost::exception& e) {
    const boost::exception_ptr lEPtr = boost::current_exception();
    throw MyException2()\
      << ::boost::throw_function(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)\
      << ::boost::throw_file(__FILE__)\
      << ::boost::throw_line((int)__LINE__)\
      << (boost::errinfo_nested_exception(lEPtr));

Note: May need to update the SWATCH_THROW macro in the future to be able to extract messages from nested exceptions correctly.

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