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L1ce dev

Giuseppe Codispoti requested to merge l1ce-dev into master
  • everything related to dependencies is moved to (downloads and packs rpms as artifacts and creates docker image for l1page/l1ce CI); this in order to avoid CI building environment to diverge from p5 (l1page issue 49)
  • cleaned Makefile in order to cover only configuration, installation, and rpm creation stages
  • optimized CI: the test stage now depends on the test-build and uses its artifacts (usable also as test rpm within 1 day lifetime)
  • configuration templates put in the setup folder: the config folder contains only the host configuration files in their final form
  • unified configuration scripts: all steps performed through
  • simplified installation for development purposes
  • updated documentation

closes #136 (closed) closes #143 (closed)

Merge request reports