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add pipeline for building docker images

Adelina Lintuluoto requested to merge alintulu/cmssw-docker:build-ci into master

The pipeline contains two different build jobs, building a standalone or a cms/cvmfs version. In addition it contains a job for checking which files have been modified, enabling to trigger the build of the cms/cvmfs version that was changed. Only reason for there to be a separate script and not just a multi line script is because I didn't get the multi line syntax to work with a for loop

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If you know how to fix it we can transfer the code in to the pipeline!

The two build jobs:

  • A standalone build is triggered when the variables CMSSW_VERSION, SCRAM_ARCH and BASE_IMAGE is passed, could be passed with a webhook.

  • A cms/cvmfs version is built when there has been a change in the directory containing the Dockerfile corresponding to the image. Since there is only one job but five directories, before building, the job has to set the IMAGE_NAME variable to indicate which image to build (cc7-cms/cvmfs, slc6-cms/cvmfs, slc5-cms). This is set with the job check changed files

The file calls

files=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $CI_COMMIT_SHA)

which returns a list of all files that has been modified. The directory of the file is checked and the pipeline is triggered again, this time with the variable IMAGE_NAME set to the directory name. (The reason why the job tags docker is because the runner has git installed).

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