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DAQ development and bug fixes

Daniel Spitzbart requested to merge daq_devel into master

Work on fixing double read out of events, and missing events. It is found that:

  • Events seem to be missing when two L1As arrive in close-by BX. This happens when we e.g. use the KCU internal L1A generator module at a reasonably high rate O(kHz) because there is currently no dead time between L1As enforced. We can identify the issue because the L1counter increases by more than 1. However, we do get the right number of headers and trailers because it's just the L1counter that is already increased, but the event seems to still get read out.
  • We don't write to disk and keep the entire data in memory (it is very small). We seem to be able to operate at high rates without loss of data, i.e. 20kHz or higher.
  • We add a report of headers, trailers and hits in the data dumper to be able to check issues in the DAQ. There might be an issue in elink 0, but has to be verified.

Merge request reports
