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Introduce runEra+runPeriod attributes of datasets

Jona Motta requested to merge (removed):master into master

Introducing new additional attribute of the Dataset class called runEra.

With this modification, the runEra attribute fully replaces the runPeriod attribute (i.e. identifies the data tacking era: A, B, C, ...) according to the standard CMS naming, while the runPeriod attribute assumes the meaning of macro-periods of data taking (e.g. 2016 pre/postAPV, 2022 pre/postEE, 2023 pre/postBPix).

This new approach makes it possible to more easily and consistently track all modifications in the Correction packages, and gives an easy way of separating the different MC associated with different periods of data tacking.

All modifications have been tested and are fully compatible with all other PRs that are related to this one:

Edited by Jona Motta

Merge request reports