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Commit 56342c82 authored by David Monk's avatar David Monk
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Added LinkInterface internal

parent 41e31c64
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1 merge request!88Draft: Made start on front end testbenches
Pipeline #8416499 canceled
setup --cd ../ucf sim.tcl
src TestBench.vhd
src -c sim/common TestBenchIO.vhd
src LinkInterfaceInternal.vhd
src -c dtc-fe StubConverter.vhd
src -c dtc-fe StubInterleaver.vhd
src -c dtc-fe StubExtractor.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderExtractor_2S.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderExtractor_PS5G.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderExtractor_PS10G.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderExtractor.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderAligner.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderFingerprintChecker_2S.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderFingerprintChecker_PS10G.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderFingerprintChecker_PS5G.vhd
src -c dtc-fe HeaderFingerprintChecker.vhd
src -c dtc-fe data_types.vhd
src -c dtc-fe module_constants.vhd
src -c dtc-be/common data_types.vhd
src -c dtc-be/common dtc_constants.vhd
src -c emp-fwk:components/datapath emp_data_types.vhd
@device_generation = "UltraScalePlus"
@device_name = "xcku15p"
@device_package = "-ffva1760"
@device_speed = "-2-e"
\ No newline at end of file
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.emp_data_types.all;
use work.module_constants.all;
use work.front_end_data_types.all;
use work.dtc_constants.all;
use work.dtc_data_types.all;
entity LinkInterfaceInternal is
generic (
module_type : string;
bandwidth : integer;
cic_type : string;
enable_monitoring : boolean := true;
emp_channel : integer := 0
port (
--- Input Ports ---
clk_p : in std_logic;
clk40 : in std_logic;
link_in : in lword := LWORD_NULL;
aligner_reset : in std_logic;
--- Output Ports ---
stub_out : out lword := LWORD_NULL;
header_out : out tCICHeaderArray(cNumberOfCICs - 1 downto 0) := (others => ('0', (others => '0'), (others => '0'), (others => '0')));
--- Debug Ports ---
debug_header_start : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
debug_header_match : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
debug_aligner_state : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end LinkInterfaceInternal;
architecture rtl of LinkInterfaceInternal is
-- Link decoding and module readout
signal headers : tCICHeaderArray(cNumberOfCICs - 1 downto 0) := (others => ('0', (others => '0'), (others => '0'), (others => '0')));
signal stubs : ldata(cNumberOfCICs - 1 downto 0) := (others => LWORD_NULL);
signal stubs_interleaved : lword := LWORD_NULL;
signal aligner_state : tAlignerArray(cNumberOfCICs - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
signal header_start : std_logic_vector(cNumberOfCICs - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal sync_loss : std_logic_vector(cNumberOfCICs - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
header_out <= headers;
debug_header_start <= header_start;
debug_header_match <= sync_loss;
debug_aligner_state <= aligner_state(1) & aligner_state(0);
-- Link decoding and module readout
CicInterface: for i in 0 to cNumberOfCICs - 1 generate
constant module_type_index : integer := selectIndexFromModuleType(module_type, bandwidth);
signal stream_in : lword := LWORD_NULL;
signal stream_in_aligned : lword := LWORD_NULL;
signal l1_data_in : std_logic_vector(cNumberOfL1ELinks(module_type_index) -1 downto 0) := (Others=>'0');
stream_in.valid <= link_in.valid;
stream_in.strobe <= '1'; - 1 downto 0) <=*i + cNumberOfELinks(module_type_index) - 1 downto 32*i);
l1_data_in <=*i + cNumberOfELinks(module_type_index) + cNumberOfL1ELinks(module_type_index)-1 downto 32*i + cNumberOfELinks(module_type_index));
HeaderAligner: entity work.HeaderAligner
generic map (
module_type => module_type,
bandwidth => bandwidth
port map(
--- Input Ports ---
clk => clk_p,
data_in => stream_in,
reset => aligner_reset,
--- Output Ports ---
header_start => header_start(i),
state => aligner_state(i),
sync_loss => sync_loss(i)
StubExtractor: entity work.StubExtractor
generic map(
cic_index => i,
module_type => module_type,
bandwidth => bandwidth
port map(
--- Input Ports ---
clk => clk_p,
data_in => stream_in,
header_start => header_start(i),
aligner_state => aligner_state(i),
--- Output Ports ---
stub_out => stubs(i),
header_out => headers(i)
end generate CicInterface;
-- Stub interleaving
StubInterleaver: entity work.StubInterleaver
port map(
--- Input Ports ---
clk => clk_p,
stub_in_0 => stubs(0),
stub_in_1 => stubs(0),
--- Output Ports ---
stub_out => stubs_interleaved
-- Stub conversion for input to router
StubConverter: entity work.StubConverter
generic map (
module_type => module_type,
bandwidth => bandwidth
port map(
--- Input Ports ---
clk => clk_p,
stub_in => stubs_interleaved,
--- Output Ports ---
stub_out => stub_out
end rtl;
library IEEE;
use work.emp_data_types.all;
use work.dtc_data_types.all;
entity testbench is
end testbench;
architecture Behavioral of testbench is
-- Clocks
signal clk_p : std_logic := '0';
signal clk40 : std_logic := '0';
-- Counters
signal global_counter : integer := 0;
signal boxcar_counter : integer := 0;
-- I/O streams
signal stream_in : lword := LWORD_NULL;
signal filtered_stream : lword := LWORD_NULL;
signal stubs : lword := LWORD_NULL;
-- Link Interface
signal aligner_reset : std_logic := '0';
signal header_start_array : std_logic_vector(2 - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal header_start_array_buffered : std_logic_vector(2 - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal header_array : tCICHeaderArray(2 - 1 downto 0) := (others => ('0', (others => '0'), (others => '0'), (others => '0')));
-- Clocks
clk_p <= not clk_p after 3.125 ns;
clk40 <= not clk40 after 25 ns;
-- Counters
pIncrementCounter : process(clk_p)
if rising_edge(clk_p) then
global_counter <= global_counter + 1;
if header_start_array(0) = '1' then
boxcar_counter <= boxcar_counter + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process pIncrementCounter;
-- Resets
pReset : process(clk_p)
if rising_edge(clk_p) then
aligner_reset <= '0';
if global_counter = 10 then
aligner_reset <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process pReset;
-- I/O
TestBenchIOInstance : entity work.TestBenchIO
generic map (
input_filename => "stub_extractor_output.txt",
output_filename => "result.txt",
input_line_width => 64
port map (
clk => clk_p,
data_out => stream_in,
data_in => stubs
pAddMetadata : process(clk_p)
if rising_edge(clk_p) then
filtered_stream <= LWORD_NULL;
if /= x"0000000000000000" then
filtered_stream.valid <= '1';
filtered_stream.strobe <= '1'; <=;
end if;
end if;
end process pAddMetadata;
StubInterleaver: entity work.StubInterleaver
port map(
--- Input Ports ---
clk => clk_p,
stub_in_0 => filtered_stream,
stub_in_1 => filtered_stream,
--- Output Ports ---
stub_out => stubs
end Behavioral;
set_property top testbench [get_filesets sim_1]
set_property top_lib xil_defaultlib [get_filesets sim_1]
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
set_property source_mgmt_mode DisplayOnly [current_project]
import_files -fileset sim_1 -norecurse ../../src/dtc/dtc-fe/testbenches/LinkInterfaceInternal/stub_extractor_output.txt
import_files -fileset sim_1 -norecurse ../../src/dtc/dtc-fe/testbenches/LinkInterfaceInternal/framed_stream.txt
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