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Draft: DTC fast readout

Chithra Sudhakara Kurup requested to merge DTC_Fast_Readout into master

Hi David, could you please check the following?

  1. If I'm using the right reset (aligner_reset) for AsyncCounterDecoder and AsyncCounterPacker in LinkInterface.vhd
  2. If my changes in dtc_link_fectrl.xml are correct and if something else needs to be done for the control/ status regs to work
  3. Would the way I've added the fifo in AsyncCounterPacker work (this is how it's done in L1DataExtractor.vhd) and if I'll be able to access the fifo data in s/w And please note, as of now, the files will work only for 5G. I need to make some changes to make it compatible for 10G too. Also, I need to add 'counter_mode' check after speaking with Mark. Thank you!

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