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Board page: Refine how command status & board information is displayed

Tom Williams requested to merge refine-board-page into master

This branch updates parts of the board page, in order to make them more easy to understand for non-experts.

In particular, the branch:

  • Updates the top of the page in order to give the hostname / IP address more prominence than the UUID (as the latter will not be meaningful to most people)
  • Re-organises information in the overview tab -> more user-friendly order, in place of simple table of the JSON object that is sent from HERD
  • Re-organises information at the bottom of the command tab -> simple one-sentence summary (overall state: success vs warning vs error; plus duration & start time), followed by list of messages and the command result. (Again, in place of simple table of the JSON object that is sent from HERD.)

As an example, the change to the lowermost part of the command tab is shown below:


@dmonk: Do you see any problems with these changes?

Merge request reports