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New 3D SF with extended uT range

Marco Cipriani requested to merge mciprian/wremnants-data:mciprian_devel into master

The new 3D SF were made from TnP using uT range from -30 from +100. The smoothing is performed in this full range and smoothed histogram are stored accordingly. For the antiX SF steps, the MC truth efficiencies were made with coarse uT bins to avoid large statistical fluctuations that the spline would not be able to lift.

This PR adds all the root and pkl.lz4 files containing histograms that were used to produce the final SF.

In particular:

  • efficiencies3D.pkl.lz4
  • efficiencies3D_rebinUt2.pkl.lz4

contain the MC truth efficiencies used by the 2D smoothing script, which eventually produces the following file

  • smoothSF3D_uTm30to100.pkl.lz4

This latter file is equivalent to the older smoothSF3D_safeAntiSF_effiNoDphiCut_fixIsoAntitrigger.pkl.lz4, except that the uT range is now extended as said above.

The new file has a size of 560 MB, but no issue was observed when running the histmaker scripts in WRemnants for W events. The yields variations for signal and backgrounds are very small compared to statistical uncertainties, and are compatible with the expected differences in the smoothed SF. This new file should then become the default for the analysis.

All the new pkl.lz4 files contain meta_data to keep memory of how they were generated.

Edited by Marco Cipriani

Merge request reports