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BER measurement to determine data link quality

Marijus Ambrozas requested to merge (removed):Dev_Marijus_BERmeasurement into Dev

I resubmit this as a new merge request as the previous one was derived from Mauro's development branch which would be several commits ahead of this one.

My branch contains RD53DataTransmissionTest which performs BER measurements with different TAP0 values to find which TAP0 provides the targeted BER. This way one could compare setups with different data transmission links by looking at which TAP0 gives the same BER for the two (the smaller TAP0 the better the link). Here is the presentation where I showed this:

There is also a wrapper class for the TGraphAsymmErrors added that makes it possible to use TGraphAsymmErrors with the CanvasContainer. When a more elegant solution to this is added to the main SW branch, I will be able to easily switch to the that.

Merge request reports