Added OTinjectionOccupancyScan
The calibration measure the occupancy as a function of the injected charge and can be run with:
runCalibration -r <injectionDelayOptimizationRunNumber> -c injectionOccupancyScan -b
It requires to run injectionDelayOptimization before (which requires to run calibrationandpedenoise first)
settings for the calibration are:
<Setting name="OTinjectionOccupancyScan_ListOfInjectedPulses"> 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1., 2.</Setting> <!-- MIP units -->
<Setting name="OTinjectionOccupancyScan_NumberOfEventsWithoutInjection"> 1000000</Setting>
<Setting name="OTinjectionOccupancyScan_NumberOfEventsWithInjection"> 1000</Setting>
Injection charge is expressed in MIP (sensor thickness = 290 um) and the values of the scan must be separated by commas.
0 charge injection will collect OTinjectionOccupancyScan_NumberOfEventsWithoutInjection events, while for charge injection > 0, the number of collected events is OTinjectionOccupancyScan_NumberOfEventsWithInjection