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New scan to calibrate a module fully with additional features

Thierry Guillaume Harte requested to merge module_calibration_scan into master

Changed the calibration_config such that it now supports CROC and RD53A for scans with Ph2_ACF. A scan following the newest procedure to calibrate a module was also added that will make a full calibration of a fresh module. Various scans are now fully supported and values automatically put into CMSIT.xml: pixelalive,noise,thradj,threqu,gain,injdelay (requires Ph2_ACF version newer than v4-13. Functions to execute these scans are found in module_testing/config/

Added xtalk_scan that can sweep over a register of choice and make a cross-talk measurement at each step (scurves with direct injection, coupled injection and decoupled_injection).

Also removed the database phase2db, as this is an ETH internal feature, that currently is running.

Merge request reports