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Implement S-curves analysis

Laurent Petre requested to merge feature/s-curves into main


The S-curve analysis is implemented. It takes as input:

  • An arbitrary number of ROOT files containing S-curve histograms.
  • An optional VFAT calibration constants file (only required if "fC" units are desired).
  • An optional VFAT mapping file (only required if "fC" units are desired).

It produces as outputs:

  • A ROOT file containing a TTree with the results of the S-curve analysis containing the following branches:

    • Usual branches of channel identification ("fed", "slot", ..., "channel").
    • A boolean flag indicating whether the S-curve fit was successful (based on the ierr curve_fit indicator or any RuntimeError that could be thrown).
    • Computed threshold values.
    • Computed noise/ENC values.
    • Another boolean flag indicating whether a channel has no data (it is empty).
    • (Optional) A TDirectory per VFAT with the 2D histograms chanHitvsCalDAC2D.
  • A directory containing the following plots:

    • A summary figure per OH, with 2D histograms for each VFAT.
    • A figure per OH containing box plots with the thresholds/activation values, and the box plot with the noise/ENC.
    • (Optional) A complete overview of data distribution per VFAT. These plots show the data for each channel and contrast with histogram distributions.

Related Issue

Fixes #15 (closed)

How Has This Been Tested?

usage: gemos analyze scurves [-h] [-p {essentials,full,no-plot}] [-f] [-u {DAC,fC}] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-c CALIBRATION_FILE]
                             inputfiles [inputfiles ...] outputdir

positional arguments:
  inputfiles            Files containing the S-curves histograms ROOT files
  outputdir             Output directory to save the results of the analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p {essentials,full,no-plot}, --plotting {essentials,full,no-plot}
                        Specify in case summary and/or boxplot scurve plots are desired
  -f, --full-output     Specify when an output file that includes the input histograms be desired
  -u {DAC,fC}, --units {DAC,fC}
                        Specify in case fC or DAC units are desired
                        File containing the VFAT chip ID to logical address mapping (see cmsgemos gem-dump-vfat-mapping)
                        File containing the VFAT calibration parameters (see gemos query vfat-calibration)

Types of changes

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)


  • My code follows the code style of this project.
  • My change requires a change to the documentation.
  • I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • I have read the CONTRIBUTING document.
  • I have added tests to cover my changes.
  • All new and existing tests passed.
Edited by Laurent Petre

Merge request reports