Update instructions to take runs and scans
2 unresolved threads
2 unresolved threads
The instructions to take a miniDAQ run with a given threshold have been added.
I will proceed in the next days to review the rest
Edited by Camilla Galloni
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28 34 29 35 At these point analyze the scan using the command `gemos analyze sbit` from the terminal of `gem-locdaq02`: the path of the input file and output directory need to be specified, as well as the options for the plotting and allowed rate for the thresholds settings. 30 36 37 ## Taking a minidaq run with given threshold 38 39 To take a threshold scan, first connect to [RCMS](http://cmsrc-gem.cms:20000/rcms/gui/servlet/FMPilotServlet), then create a miniDAQ3 session or attach to a running session. 40 41 From the RCMS interface, click on "Initialize" and "Connect". Open the status table by the appropriate button and open the gem calibration interface in the list of running applications. 42 43 Enable the transfer to tier0 in the drop down window below the "DAQ" system column, if the data are intended to be saved to disk. It is the case if the data are to be given to the DPG for analysis. changed this line in version 3 of the diff
10 10 11 11 ### Starting the S-bit rate scan 12 12 13 To take a threshold scan, first connect to [RCMS](http://cmsrc-gem.cms:20000/rcms/gui/servlet/FMPilotServlet), then create a miniDAQ3 session or attach to a running session. 13 To take an S-bit scan, first connect to [RCMS](http://cmsrc-gem.cms:20000/rcms/gui/servlet/FMPilotServlet), then create a miniDAQ3 session or attach to a running session. 14 15 From the RCMS interface, click on "Initialize" and "Connect". 16 17 Consider that usually S-bits scans are taken without HV amplification to investigate the noise level in the detector, so you might need to take action with the DCS on the HV settings. 14 18 15 From the RCMS interface, click on "Connect" and then "Configure". 19 Open the [xDAQ](http://srv-s2g18-33-01.cms:20100/urn:xdaq-application:service=calibration) calibration suite. In case the calibration suite page was already opened before, reload the page manually. changed this line in version 4 of the diff
assigned to @cgalloni
mentioned in commit 9b180189
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