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Fix function Detector::getLocalPosition (follow-up on MR !116)

This fixes #74 (closed).

As described in the issue, the track residuals of the ATLASpix were shifted off zero after MR !116 (merged).

I found that this was due to the fact that we were previously calculating the local cluster position using

m_pitch.X() * (column - (m_nPixels.X()) / 2), m_pitch.Y() * (row - (m_nPixels.Y()) / 2), 0.);

After that MR, we're doing:

m_pitch.X() * (column - (m_nPixels.X()) / 2.), m_pitch.Y() * (row - (m_nPixels.Y()) / 2.), 0.);

so that in the former case we'd get 25/2 = 12 and now we're getting 25/2. = 12.5.

Merge request reports