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AnalysisDUT for derived class

Dear experts,

I have been developing corry modules for ALICE-ITS3 analog sensors (CE65, APTS) for last months. After the first version of ClusteringAnalog, I started working on AnalysisCE65 which is similar as AnalysisDUT. The initial proposal was meant to extract specific histograms for associated analog clusters, including Signal-Noise ratio, charge fraction, cluster shape, neighbor information, and etc.

As to general usage, most of the functionalities have been implemented and validated very well in AnalysisDUT. The simplest way I found was to add an interface inside AnalysisDUT::run() for associated clusters, like fillClusterHistograms(Cluster*). Then I can override it directly in the derived class AnalysisCE65, see example. Other changes are listed below.

It seems most of the modules are not designed for inheritance. Please let me know if this attempt is conflict with your guidelines, I will cancel this MR and rewrite the module AnalysisCE65.

Best regards,

Yitao WU


  • fillClusterHistograms: NEW function for derived class, fill histograms for associated clusters.
  • acceptTrackDUT: NEW function for derived class, track selectoin for DUT geometry.
    • Rejection for edges around masked pixels (TBD)
  • hCutHisto: rewrite to calculate raw efficiency
    • use enum to specify track selections
    • add bin for kAllTrack, kPass, kAssociated
    • remove normalization step
  • hUnassociatedTracksLocalPosition: NEW histogram for in-efficiency local map.
Edited by Simon Spannagel

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