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AnalysisEfficiency: fixed axis of global efficiency plots

Adriana Simancas requested to merge asimanca/corryvreckan:globalEffMaps into master

Changed axis of global efficiency plots to be able to find the sensor even if it's not centered in global coordinates.

Before the fix:

The DUT sometimes can be quite off the center of the global coordinates, like in this picture: Screenshot_from_2023-02-22_17-12-57

And the axis of the global efficiency plots are centered at 0 with a relatively small range (1.5 times the size of the DUT), so the plot looks like this: Screenshot_from_2023-02-22_17-14-42

After the fix:

The axis of the global efficiency plots are now dependent on the DUT global position and it's possible to see where the efficiency is being plotted: Screenshot_from_2023-02-24_14-18-57

Merge request reports
