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Transformation of Errors in Radial Detectors + Radial Clustering

Error Transformation: Make sure the detector resolution transforms correctly from radial to cartesian coordinates. This is achieved using gaussian error transformation. Symbolic derivation of the derivatives used in the error transformation: ToDo: Test this with the Allpix^2 implementation of the geometry (as in IT-4086/EP/ATLAS) that Radek is working on.

Radial Clustering: Introduce a new module (ClusteringRadial) that uses the radial clustering concept and gives cluster statistics not only in x/y but also in R/Phi. The clustering algorithm is the same as in ClusteringSpatial, but everything is handled in radial coordinates, and the cluster centre is found using a weighted average that considers individual strip resolutions.

ToDo: Look at the output of the histograms in a few scenarios to judge whether the bounds are correct.

Edited by Maximilian Caspar

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