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Draft: Module AnalysisBeamProfile

This implements a module called AnalysisBeamProfile. This module is can be used for analysing properties of a bunched beam on an event-by-event basis. What it does is the following:

  • read Pixel objects for the corresponding detector from the clipboard
  • create a single cluster per event
    • assign central cluster position and errorX&errorY as widths based on a fit to a gaussian distribution or from statistics to (charge-weighted) projections onto the x/y-axes
  • add cluster to clipboard
  • plot hitmaps, projections and width/center distributions, most of them also vs event number

Points for discussion:

  • Renaming? I could imagine that a more generic name like AnalysisBeamProfile would be more suitable. We use it for this method, but in principle the functionality is very generic. Any opinions?
  • Cluster->errorX()? I abused the errorX&errorY for storing the width of the cluster. The reason is, that here we'd like to store the width of a gaussian of the cluster projection (or StdDev, depending on the configuration), and the columnWidth&rowWidth members are Cluster-internally coded to be the extent of the cluster along these axes, computed during addPixel(...). An option would be to add setter functions for the columnWidth&rowWidth members and overwrite them in the new module after the last pixel has been added. Any opinions?
Edited by Paul Jean Schutze

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