- Aug 20, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
John Derek Chapman authored
python/SimTransformUtils.py - addStandardHITSMergeSubstep: patch to ensure that core transform code does not try to access the event count for inputLogsFiles... Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12) * python/SimTransformUtils.py - addStandardHITSMergeSubstep: patch to ensure that core transform code does not try to access the event count for inputLogsFiles... * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12 2015-08-11 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/SimTransformUtils.py (addSimulationSubstep): use TXT_EVENTID for inData in release 20.3 and later. ATLASSIM-2110. * share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT.py: add hook for inputTXT_EVENTIDFile. ATLASSIM-2110 * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-11 2015-08-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_MC12.py, share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_ISF.py - remove back-compatibility protections on AFP and FwdRegion DetFlags, as these are no longer necessary. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Onyisi authored
* Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-11 2015-08-18 Daiki Yamaguchi <daiki.yamaguchi@cern.ch> * Fix the bugs in MonitoringFile_PixelPostProcess.cxx * Committed to the trunk 2015-08-16 Peter Onyisi * Revert changes to arguments on DQWebDisplay.py * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-10 2015-08-14 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * src\MonitoringFile_IDEnhancedPrimaryVertex.cxx: fix const errors showing up with ROOT6.4
Iain Bertram authored
Detailed changes see Changelog. Updated test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml to fix bug described in [ATLASSIM-2170]. Required reformatting preExec arguments for jobs with pileup. Also added scripts directory and Digitization_mc15test.sh as a first pass at creating a test job for developers. Needs some fine tuning and is not ready for prime time [ATLASSIM-1697]. Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-49. (DigitizationTests-01-01-49) * test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml * Fixed bug in preExec command that meant that the python modules were not being loaded correctly. [ATLASSIM-2170] * Scripts effected: mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup_lowMu mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup_noNoise mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_algs_pileup mc15_2015_ttbar_25ns_pileup mc15_2015_ttbar_25ns_pileup_noNoise mc15_2015_ttbar_25ns_algs_pileup mc15_ttbar_LVL1_on_50ns_pileup mc15_ttbar_LVL1_on_25ns_pileup * Added additional pileup files and modified the copy command to be shorter and easier to copy. * Cleaned up all the commands to use consistant formats to avoid problems like the above. * Added new amiTag script to allow testing of changes to Digitization. [ATLASSIM-1697] ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Shohei Shirabe authored
Siarhei Harkusha authored
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* share/ReadOfcFromCool.py: print real phase * Tagging TileCalibBlobPython-00-00-83 2015-08-13 Sanya Solodkov <solodkov@lxplus0033.cern.ch> * small bug fixed in WriteCellNoiseToCool.py (wrong names for special E1) * Tagging TileCalibBlobPython-00-00-82 2015-08-06 Sanya Solodkov <solodkov@lxplus0207.cern.ch> * one more flag --update added to WriteCalibToCool.py and WriteBchToCool.py * which allows to update existing sqlite file instead of recreating it * ReadCellNoiseFromCoolCompare.py added * Tagging TileCalibBlobPython-00-00-81
Siarhei Harkusha authored
Anthony Morley authored
* Removed tracksAlreadyOnBeamLine flag * InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-09-29
Alexander Naip Tuna authored
* fix efficiency bins hardcoding * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-12 2015-08-15 Alex Tuna, Rachel Rosten * add high pt plots * replace Set with RebinX for now * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-11 * polish structure * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-10 * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-09 * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-08 * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-07 * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-06 * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-05 * tagging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-04
Ye Chen authored
* Tagged as MdtVsTgcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-08 2015-08-13 Ye Chen <cheny@stu.kobe-u.ac.jp> * fix rebin bug
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
'Call reserve before push_back, improve memory access pattern, ATR-12026' (TrigNavStructure-00-00-08-03)
Joerg Stelzer authored
TrigDecision converter takes L1 bits from TriggerInfo if not available in (xAODTriggerCnv-00-00-12-01) 2015-08-13 Joerg Stelzer <stelzer@cern.ch> * xAODTriggerCnv-00-00-12-01
Lianyou Shan authored
Mike Hance authored
Hong Ma authored
Christos Leonidopoulos authored
Sabine Elles authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
at Tier-0. (InDetRecExample-02-05-63) * special tracking setup for the calibration_BeamSpot reconstruction at Tier-0.
Xiaohu Sun authored
* kv test RecoZeeJet uses OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-32 * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-21
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
- Aug 14, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Move ToT overflow setting out of initialize, into method. * Tagged as PixelToTPIDTool-01-00-10
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Susumu Oda authored
* share/postInclude.SLHC_Setup.py - fix https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-2321 by enabling ServiceMgr.PixelOfflineCalibSvc.HDCFromCOOL = False only for RAWtoESD step. * Tagged as InDetSLHC_Example-00-01-25-03 2015-08-10 Susumu Oda <Susumu.Oda@cern.ch> * share/postInclude.SLHC_Setup.py - fix https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-2321 by adding ServiceMgr.PixelOfflineCalibSvc.HDCFromCOOL = False * Tagged as InDetSLHC_Example-00-01-25-02
Steffen Henkelmann authored
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
updating to the latest LH and photon tune for new Tier0 policy (ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-12)
Avishek Chatterjee authored
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Increase INFO message limit for TrigAnalysisTest logs * TriggerTest-00-07-22 2015-07-29 Stewart Martin-Haugh * Remove testAthenaTrigRDO.py - testCommonSliceAthenaTrigRDO.py has all of the same functionality and more * Remove unused testAthenaXMLConfigRDO.py * Update ATN and RTT tests to match * TriggerTest-00-07-21
Yuriy Ilchenko authored
Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-09 with Lu Yuan's and Daiki Yamaguchi's updates (DataQualityUtils-02-20-09)
Kristian Anders Gregersen authored
Daniel Whiteson authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Fix for issue when running ITK - allow reading of HDC from COOL to be skipped * ATLASRECTS-2321 * Tagged as PixelConditionsServices-00-24-25 2015-08-07 Steffen Maeland <steffen.maeland@cern.ch> * In PixelOfflineCalibSvc: added a callback function so that the HitDiscCnfg values read in from PixelCabling are updated when database is connected or changed * Fixed a bug that gave wrong HitDiscCnfg value in case of a mixed configuration Tagged as PixelConditionsServices-00-24-24
Nicholas Styles authored
* Updates for case where HitDiscCnfg may change during job * Move ToT overflow setting out of initialize, into methods * Tagged as SiClusterizationTool-04-00-18
Jochen Meyer authored
Benjamin Trocme authored
Eric Torrence authored
Simone Pagan Griso authored
'Using online beamspot position in case RecExConfig.doExpressProcessing is set' (InDetBeamSpotService-01-00-03)
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetValidationWeb-00-00-21 * fix sidebar