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Vmbootstrap builddep oracle client & gitlab merge requests testing

Volodymyr Yurchenko requested to merge vmbootstrap-builddep-oracle-client into master

This PR is used mostly to test gitlab functionality of merge requests. Main requirements are clean commit history and extra protection from pushing conflicting changes.

There are some additional settings that have been added to this gitlab project:

  • Merge method has been changed to Fast-forward merge (No merge commits are created; Fast-forward merges only; When conflicts arise the user is given the option to rebase) - this feature should produce a clean commit history as if the developer pushes commits to the head of the master branch.
  • Merge options set:
    • Automatically resolve merge request diff discussions when they become outdated - when other developers comment the merge request, the author should either push a fix to resolve the discussion, or reply and close it.
    • Show link to create/view merge request when pushing from the command line.
    • Enable 'Delete source branch' option by default (Existing merge requests and protected branches are not affected) - this is done in order not to leave stale branches in a source repository. The logic here is that you do not need your source branch as soon as the code is merged. If you have more changes to be committed, just use WIP tag in the name of the merge request or create a new one.
  • Merge checks:
    • Pipelines must succeed - to ensure the code passes the checks.
    • All discussions must be resolved - to ensure all remarks are taken into account.

The main idea of using gitlab merge requests is to track changes made by different developers and provide a ground for common discussions. While it could be extremely useful when introducing new features, general bug fixes and small changes perhaps do not need such a big machinery and could be committed in a usual manner to the top of master.

This merge request contains changes to vmbootstrap scripts to ensure oracle client is installed only by yum-builddep command.

Merge request reports