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## Summary

### Upgrade Instructions

This CTA release requires a database schema upgrade to CTA catalogue schema v4.6.
Please consult the [database upgrade documentation](

### Features
- cta/CTA#1137 - Stop deletion of failed retrieve/archive requests
- cta/CTA#1150 - Add option to pass desired catalogue version into cta-catalogue-schema-create
- cta/CTA#1147 - Add Disk Instance Column to VO table
- cta/CTA#1119 - Remove support of manual mode for loading tapes
- cta/CTA#1123 - Add mount id to disk space reservations, prevent tape servers from releasing disk space from a previous mount

### Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#1138 - sortAndGetTapesForMountInfo only queries tapes in the current logical library
- cta/CTA#1117 - Update masterDataInBytes when writing files to tape
- cta/CTA#1125 - cta-admin dr ls should show '-' instead of "NO_MOUNT" for Mount Type

### Continuous Integration
- cta/CTA#1131 - Compile CTA using devtoolset-8 in CI
- cta/CTA#1126 - Create tests for TapeDrivesCatalogueState